
Use our global calendar of privacy events to locate an event near you.



XPONENTIAL 2017 @ Dallas
Mar 8 – Mar 11 all-day
XPONENTIAL 2017 @ Dallas | Dallas | Texas | United States

Speakers from government, industry and academia will participate in more than 200 presentations and panel discussions addressing the potential for drones, robotics, and other unmanned systems. Among the program’s participants are the U.S. Department of Defense, FAA, NASA, and NOAA.

The New Normal: Law, Technology, and Innovation @ Phoenix
Mar 8 – Mar 10 all-day
The New Normal: Law, Technology, and Innovation @ Phoenix | Phoenix | Arizona | United States

This innovative conference focuses on the practical and cutting-edge issues affecting electronic information, information governance, and data analytics. Leading jurists, attorneys, and legal and technological professionals will explore a wide array of eDiscovery issues, examining established precedent and projected new challenges, current and emerging technologies, and everything in between. All of our attendees, whether new to the world of eDiscovery or hoping to increase their existing eDiscovery expertise, will find knowledge, new ideas, and valuable networking opportunities at the ASU-Arkfeld eDiscovery and Digital Evidence Conference!

Last year’s event attracted over 180 attorneys, corporate counsel, law-practice support personnel, service providers, and other professionals.

*Eligible for up to 13 CLE Credits & 3 Ethics Credits

Featured Conference Speakers Include

Hon. Shira Scheindlin

Hon. Xavier Rodriguez

Hon. Craig B. Shaffer

Hon. Peter Swann

Hon. Samuel Thumma

Michael Arkfeld

Robert Singleton

Joy Woller

Mike Burg

Daniel Christensen

Tom Morrissey

Mark Sidoti

Some of This Year’s Session Topics

Judges Panel: recent case law under the Federal Rules

Information Governance

Legal & Data Analytics


Production under the Federal Rules

Economics of eDiscovery

Data Privacy and Breach Response

Social Media, BYOD, and Mobile Devices

Developing Technologies (Cloud, Office 365, etc.)

International Law

Criminal Law

Foundations Track: Search, Must-Have ESI Forms, and more

 Questions about the Conference?
Contact Lauren Burkhart, Director,
Center for Law, Science & Innovation,
at [email protected] or 480-965-2465.

FinTech Forum: Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain @ Berkeley
Mar 9 all-day
FinTech Forum: Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain @ Berkeley


Banatao Auditorium, 310 Sutardja Dai Hall Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720-7200 | Directions & Nearby


The Federal Trade Commission will host its third FinTech Forum on March 9, 2017, focusing on the consumer implications of two rapidly developing technologies: artificial intelligence and blockchain.

Artificial intelligence focuses on the capability for machines to mimic human thinking or actions, including learning and problem solving. The technology may be used, for example, to provide personalized financial services for consumers, including providing money management tools.

Blockchain technology involves a distributed digital ledger for recording transactions that can be shared widely. It first emerged as the foundation for digital currency, and it is now being explored for other consumer-focused uses including payment systems and “smart contracts.”

The half-day event is designed to bring together industry participants, consumer groups, researchers, and government representatives, to examine the ways in which these technologies are being used to offer consumers services, the potential benefits, and consumer protection implications as these technologies continue to develop.

In advance of the forum, the FTC will be developing panels of experts, academics and others for the event. If you wish to participate as a panelist, please email any relevant information to [email protected](link sends e-mail) by January 27, 2017.

The event, which is free and open to the public, will be held at the University of California, Berkeley, beginning at 9 a.m. A full schedule and other details will be announced shortly. No pre-registration is needed. This event will be webcast. A link will be posted to this page on the day of the event.

The FinTech Forum series is part of the FTC’s ongoing work to protect consumers taking advantage of new and emerging financial technology. As technological advances expand the ways consumers can store, share, spend, and borrow money, the FTC is working to keep consumers protected while encouraging innovation for consumers’ benefit.

The Federal Trade Commission works to promote competition, and protect and educate consumers. You can learn more about consumer topics and file a consumer complaint online or by calling 1-877-FTC-HELP (382-4357). Like the FTC on Facebook(link is external), follow us on Twitter(link is external), read our blogs and subscribe to press releases for the latest FTC news and resources.


Pathways to Privacy Research Symposium @ Toronto
Mar 10 @ 8:30 am – 6:00 pm
Pathways to Privacy Research Symposium @ Toronto | Toronto | Ontario | Canada

The symposium aims to highlight the privacy challenges that online consumers face every day while online. It will feature recent research funded by the OPC’s Contributions Program and examine the key factors—cognitive, contextual, and social—that underlie consumers’ decisions to share their personal information online. It will also explore how programs and policies of governments and businesses can better incorporate these human factors into their design. By bringing together academics, regulators, industry and consumer groups, the symposium will be a forum for creative exchange of ideas on how to address consumer privacy challenges in the online world.

This event has been funded by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC); the views expressed at this event are those of the participants and do not necessarily reflect those of the OPC.

8:30 am – Registration and Light Breakfast
9:00 am – Session 1: Keynote (Leslie John, Patricia Kosseim)
10:30 am – Session 2: OPC Funded Research Presentations (Judy Duncan, Jane Tallim, Rajen Akalu, Sonia Chiasson)
12:00 pm – Lunch
1:00 pm – Session 3: Idea Blitz & Panel Discussion (David Elder, Brent Homan, Lisa Austin, Pippa Lawson)
2:40 pm – Session 4: Point-Counterpoint Workshop (Avi Goldfarb, Karen Louise Smith)
4:00 pm – Cocktail Reception

Questions: Liz Kang  [email protected]

SmartPrivacy London @ London
Mar 13 @ 12:00 pm – 4:30 pm
SmartPrivacy London @ London | England | United Kingdom

Half-day local workshops for privacy pros focused on tools and best practices to operationalise compliance.

SmartPrivacy is a practitioner-focused, half day local workshop where privacy professionals can learn from each other about tools and best practices to operationalize their privacy programs.

The workshop is hosted by OneTrust, however is open to any privacy professional regardless of tool or template of choice.

A combination or structured educational sessions, peer-lead discussions, and networking allow organizations to share practical tips on topics such as GDPR compliance, how to perform a data inventory, identifying the key stakeholders/privacy champions within your organization, and how to get buy-in from executives.

Attendees can expect to receive access to free software tools, how-to guides, and best practices documents on the topics covered.

Workshop Agenda

12:00pm Lunch & Attendee Use Cases

12:30pm PIA/DPIA Workshop and Peer Panel

2:00pm Data Mapping Workshop and Peer Panel

3:30pm Topics of Interest and Discussion

4:30pm Networking and Cocktails

IAPP Europe Data Protection Intensive 2017 @ France
Mar 13 @ 10:47 pm – Mar 14 @ 11:47 pm
IAPP Europe Data Protection Intensive 2017 @ France | La Garenne-Colombes | Île-de-France | France

The Intensive gathers data protection pros from around the world to dig deep into today’s critical topics and tomorrow’s most important challenges. We’ll get right down to the details of operationalising data protection and practical strategies you can put to use straight away.

We’ve got a lot to cover. We’ll see you in London.

Privacy and Innovation @ Toronto
Mar 16 @ 12:00 pm – 1:15 pm
Privacy and Innovation @ Toronto  | Toronto | Ontario | Canada


Professor Avi Goldfarb
University of Toronto

“Privacy and Innovation”

Information and communication technology enable firms to collect
detailed and potentially intrusive data about their customers both
easily and cheaply. This means that privacy concerns are no longer
limited to government surveillance and public figures’ private lives.
The empirical literature on privacy regulation shows that privacy
regulation may affect the extent and direction of data-based
innovation. We also show that the impact of privacy regulation can be
extremely heterogeneous. Therefore, we argue that digitization means
that privacy policy is now a part of innovation policy.

Avi Goldfarb is the Ellison Professor of Marketing at the Rotman
School of Management, University of Toronto. Avi’s research focuses on
understanding the opportunities and challenges of the digital economy
and has been funded by Google, Industry Canada, the Sloan Foundation,
the NSF, Bell Canada, AIMIA, SSHRC, and others.. He has also used an
economics lens to explore the drivers of brand value and the limits of
rational models of managerial decision-making. He has published over
60 academic articles in a variety of outlets in marketing, statistics,
law, computing, and economics. He is Senior Editor at Marketing
Science, Chief Data Scientist of the Creative Destruction Lab, and a
Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research. For
the past two years, he has co-organized the NBER’s Economics of
Digitization PhD student tutorial. He also co-organized the Marketing
Science-Federal Trade Commission Conference on Marketing and Consumer
Protection. His work with Catherine Tucker on privacy has been
referenced by the White House, the European Commission, and in US
Congressional Testimony. His work with Ajay Agrawal and Christian
Catalini on crowdfunding has been identified by the Ontario Security
Commission as directly influencing the OSC LaunchPad initiative. Avi
received his Ph.D. in economics from Northwestern University.

For this announcement in PDF, please view online:

Law and Big Data: How Information Analytics Will Change the Law @ Paris
Mar 17 – Mar 18 all-day
Cybersecurity in an Age of Uncertainty: U.S.-Israel Perspectives @ Washington, DC
Mar 20 – Mar 21 all-day
Cybersecurity in an Age of Uncertainty: U.S.-Israel Perspectives @ Washington, DC | Washington | District of Columbia | United States

National security, human rights, and the global digital economy are now dependent on cybersecurity. Through a series of four expert panels, the conference will explore cutting-edge US-Israeli cyberpolicy issues involving national security, crime, human rights, and the digital economy. Topics to be discussed include active cyber military operations, Internet freedom, cybertheft, and technological capabilities. Each panel will explore the responsibilities of various governmental agencies as well as the roles of the private sector and the public in each country.

Unlocking the Privacy-Security Debate @ Phoenix
Mar 20 @ 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Unlocking the Privacy-Security Debate @ Phoenix

Unlocking the Privacy-Security Debate

March 20, 2017

Event Time:

9:00am – 12:00pm


Beus Center for Law & Society – Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law

Room 544 – Fifth Floor Conference Center

111 E. Taylor Street, Phoenix, AZ 85004

Terrorism and cybersecurity are two significant national security threats that the global community must deal with in the coming decade. The current approach of mass surveillance and reducing the strength of encryption have questionable and potentially detrimental effects that lead to concerns about the invasion of privacy and undermining freedom and prosperity. Leaders from government, industry, and academia will come together in this open forum to discuss current methods of combating terrorism and cybersecurity threats and the need to establish win-win, positive-sum methods. By addressing these concerns, we can begin the complex and necessary process of simultaneously enhancing security and protecting our privacy.

To register or for more information, click here. 

9:00-9:15 AM Registration & Coffee
9:15-9:30 AM Welcome and Introductions Jamie Winterton
Director of Strategy, Global Security Initiative, ASU
9:30-10:00 AM   Privacy and Security: Better Together Michael Chertoff
US Secretary of Homeland Security 2005-2009
10:00-10:30 AM Global Privacy and Security by Design Ann Cavoukian
Executive Director, Privacy and Big Data Institute, Ryerson University
10:30-10:45 AM Break
10:45-11:15 AM Privacy Engineering Michelle Dennedy
VP & Chief Privacy Officer, Cisco
11:15-12:00 PM Q&A with Panel Moderator: George Tomko
Expert-in-Residence at Privacy, Security and Identity Institute, University of Toronto


Attendees are eligible for up to 2 CLE credits. 

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