
Use our global calendar of privacy events to locate an event near you.



January Privacy Lab – Student Privacy Panel @ San Francisco
Jan 24 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
January Privacy Lab - Student Privacy Panel @ San Francisco | San Francisco | California | United States

Join us for the 2018 International Data Privacy Day edition of Privacy Lab for privacy in the education sector.

Student privacy often faces a conundrum. How do organizations balance student privacy with legal requirements and benefits that can be gained from collecting data for instructional purposes? How can they prioritize when privacy often comes with a price tag and the public education system isn’t exactly flush with cash? Are there interesting comparisons and contrasts between K-12, higher education and edtech?

Our expert panel includes:

Bill Fitzgerald, Director, Privacy Valuation Initiative, Common Sense Media

Lisa Ho, Campus Privacy Officer at UC Berkeley

Vivienne Pustell, Director of Digital Safety for Summit Public Schools

“A Privacy Affair”: Inaugural Gala of the International Council on Global Privacy and Security, by Design @ Toronto
Jan 25 all-day
Privacy After Hours
Jan 25 all-day
Privacy After Hours

Privacy After Hours is a fun and easy way for IAPP members and non-members to get to know other local privacy professionals. There’s no agenda, just show up to the designated after hours location and have a good time! The event is being organized by a volunteer coordinator in your community, and it’s open to anyone who works in or is interested in privacy.

Please note: Individuals are responsible for their own expenses.

CPDP Side Event: Privacy By Design, Privacy Engineering @ Brussels
Jan 25 @ 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm
CPDP Side Event: Privacy By Design, Privacy Engineering @ Brussels | Schaerbeek | Bruxelles | Belgium

The GDPR introduces the obligation of data protection by design and by default. This is a very important step ahead and a challenge for many organisations, but it cannot be the end of the road.

For technology to serve humans, a broader view on privacy and ethical principles must be taken into account in its design and development.

The panel will discuss the perspectives of businesses and regulators which are the principles that they see as important in this context, and which are the approaches of their own organisations, and their demands and recommendations for other stakeholders.

Organised by EDPS and supported by FPF and Qwant

Date Thursday 25 January 2018, 19:30 (preceded by a cocktail at 18:30)

Location Grande Halle. Halles de Schaerbeek

Introduction Achim Klabunde, EDPS

Moderator Seda Gürses, KU Leuven, ESAT – COSIC, Computer Security and Industrial Cryptography

Speakers Giovanni Buttarelli, EDPS, Jules Polonetsky, CEO, Future of Privacy Forum, Marit Hansen, Data Protection Commissioner, ULD Schleswig-Holstein, Eric Léandri, Co-founder and CEO Qwant

Data Privacy Day
Jan 28 all-day
Data Privacy Day

“Data Privacy Day began in the United States and Canada in January 2008, as an extension of the Data Protection Day celebration in Europe. The Day commemorates the 1981 signing of Convention 108, the first legally binding international treaty dealing with privacy and data protection. Data Privacy Day is a celebration for everyone and held on January 28th every year.”

More information can be found here.

State of the Net Conference 2018 @ Washington, DC
Jan 29 @ 8:00 am – 8:00 pm
State of the Net Conference 2018 @ Washington, DC | Washington | District of Columbia | United States

The State of the Net Conference (SOTN) provides unparalleled opportunities to network and engage on key Internet policy issues. SOTN is the largest Internet policy conference in the U.S. and the only one with over 50 percent Congressional staff and government policymakers in attendance. The State of the Net Conference is the only Internet policy conference routinely recognized for its balanced blend of academics, consumer groups, industry and government. Past keynote speakers includes FCC Chair Tom Wheeler, UBER Founder/CEO Travis Kalanick, Dropbox Founder/CEO Drew Houston and many others. Want to know more? Find out more about our recent past speakers here.

A full day of panels, keynotes, fireside chats and lively debate will tackle the policy issues of the day and delve into the technology trends that will come to define 2018.

Want to know more about what State of the Net does? There are video highlights of the conference to give a better sense of what the event does.

Full conference agenda and speaker list is under development and will be posted on our website at http://www.StateoftheNet.org

The State of the Net Conference is organized by the Internet Education Foundation (IEF), a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. IEF is neither a trade association nor an industry advocacy group. It blends all Internet stakeholders (academics, consumer groups, industry, think tanks) together with government stakeholders around the common cause of assuring informed Internet policymaking. Our program demands only that stakeholders debate Internet policy issues seriously and in good faith while always putting the health of the Internet first and foremost.

Attendees, please use the Freedom Forum entrance on 6th Street.

Breakfast Briefing – Do Not Lose Access to Data Under GDPR (London) @ London
Jan 30 @ 8:00 am – 10:00 am
Breakfast Briefing - Do Not Lose Access to Data Under GDPR (London) @ London | England | United Kingdom
Hitachi Vantara BigPrivacy Breakfast Briefing
Don’t Make the Wrong Decision

Please join us and our partners Anonos for a Breakfast Briefing to discuss:

How not to Lose Access to Valuable Data for Operations and Analytics under GDPR

Short-Term: Don’t lose Access to Valuable Data. Under new GDPR guidance you have a limited time decision you must make before 25 May 2018, or your company loses access to previously collected personal data.

Long-Term: Ensure Ongoing Access to Analytics. After 25 May 2018, if you make the wrong decision your company cannot process personal data.

Options for managing and monetizing data assets leveraging the GDPR as a business enabler instead of an “innovation killer”

Business & Innovation Teams. Enable greater use, processing and sharing of data in your organization, with partners and with customers.

Risk & Compliance Teams. Support governance, risk & compliance with dynamic and scalable technically enforced policies.

This Breakfast Briefing will demonstrate how “BigPrivacy” enables your organisation to prosper in both the short and long term. BigPrivacy helps drive favorable outcomes by dynamically de-linking, de-risking and controlling the linkability of personal data to maximise value, utility and innovation.

Join us on January 30th to learn more about decisions your company must make in order to prosper under the GDPR and continue to use, process and share personal data in the short and long term.

Date: January 30th 2018
Time: 8:30 – 10:00
Location: Hitachi Vantara Offices, 10 Exchange Square, Primrose St
London EC2A 2EN, UK

If you’d like to attend, please email breakfastbriefing@bigprivacy.com. Space is limited.

State of the GDPR union @ Brussels
Jan 30 @ 1:30 pm – 6:00 pm
State of the GDPR union @ Brussels | Brussel | Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest | Belgium
Featuring Willem Debeuckelaere, President of the Privacy Commission presenting the communication requirements towards the public and the privacy commission.

Here is the full agenda :
13h30: Part I – Various Data Protection topics
13h30: News from the DPO circle, Georges Ataya
13h45: Communication tasks and duties towards the public & the DPA, Willem Debeuckelaere
14h15: Blockchain and GDPR, any contradiction?, Me Thibault Verbiest
14h35: Bonnes pratiques de l’archivage dans un contexte de minimisation des données, Antoine Delforge, chercheur au CRIDS
15h05: Evaluation of selected GDPR tools, Student research group from Solvay Business school
15h15: Maturity evaluation of GDPR implementation, Student research group from Solvay Business school
15h30 : coffee break
15h45: part II – GDPR round-table discussions breakout
15h45: 4 round-tables parallel tracks on SME, HR processes, Marketing activities & PIA
16h30: debrief of our round-tables sessions by the moderators
17h20: networking drink

You shall be invited to select your discussion topic of choice. The debates will be moderated.

The price of the event is 95 euros plus VAT. It includes a coffee drink and an evening networking drink.

Privacy@Michigan: Celebrating International Privacy Day at the University of Michigan @ Ann Arbor
Jan 30 @ 2:00 pm – 6:30 pm
Privacy@Michigan: Celebrating International Privacy Day at the University of Michigan @ Ann Arbor | Ann Arbor | Michigan | United States
Celebrate International Data Privacy Day with us at the University of Michigan!

Privacy is an inherently interdisciplinary research topic that touches many disciplines at the University of Michigan. U-M faculty and researchers across many fields either face or address privacy challenges and issues in their work. This event in celebration of the International Data Privacy Day brings together faculty, researchers, students and staff from different colleges, schools and units across campus and aims to spark on-going, multidisciplinary conversations about privacy’s role in society – at the University of Michigan and worldwide.

GDPR Help! Roundtables – Session 2: Managing Risk @ United Kingdom
Jan 31 @ 9:00 am – 5:30 pm
GDPR Help! Roundtables - Session 2: Managing Risk @ United Kingdom  | England | United Kingdom
This series of 3 one day roundtables for peer group exchange will focus on managing the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance process. Regulators and policy makers will not be invited to these roundtables.

Whatever happens with Brexit, your organisation will continue to trade with some of the 30 countries in the European Economic Area and you need to ensure that your organisation is complying with the GDPR. The emphasis will be on sharing experience to help you organise and manage the process rather than giving legal advice on the impact of the GDPR.

Hosts will report on progress in their organisations. In addition, you should expect to discuss your plans with the group. Everyone learns and benefits from this participatory process. Each Roundtable will be limited to 25 people to facilitate discussion in a relaxed atmosphere. Lunch is included at each Roundtable, ideal for networking.

GDPR HELP! ROUNDTABLES – Session 2: Managing Risk

Date: 31 January 2018, 09.00h.-17.30h.
Host: Olga Ganopolsky, General Counsel, Privacy and Data, Macquarie Group, Australia
Location: Macquarie Group office near Moorgate Station, London

– Update on the Data Protection Bill/Act relevant to GDPR implementation
– Negotiating data processing contracts with third parties in the light of the GDPR requirements
– Conducting Data Protection Impact Assessments
– Data Protection by Design and Default
– Keeping records of processing

To register, e-mail [email protected]. An invoice will be sent to everyone who registers. You will need to pay in advance to attend these sessions.

Each session qualifies for 6 CPD hours. Every Privacy Laws & Business event qualifies for accredited CPD hours for the purposes of the England and Wales Solicitors Regulation Authority’s requirements. Please quote AQJ/PLBU when applying for the points with the SRA.

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