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Privacy Law Salon: Policymaker Roundtable @ The National Press Club 13th floor
Sep 22 all-day

Thursday, Sept. 22

5:00 PM Reception
6:00 PM Keynote Q&A
7:00 PM – 8:30 PM Dinner

Friday, Sept. 23rd
8:00 AM Breakfast and Introductory Remarks

9:00 AM Morning Panel Q&A

The Future of EU Privacy and Its Implications
The GDPR, the Privacy Shield, and regulators’ global application of the Right to be Forgotten on American companies point to a fundamental policy shift: Washington has taken a backseat to Brussels on privacy regulation. How will US-based multinationals operate in this new environment with more prescriptive rules, more detailed accounting requirements, and growing fines?

10:00 AM Break

10:30 AM Breakout Discussion Session #1

The Future of EU Privacy and Its Implications
A discussion to follow from the preceding panel.

(breakout rooms assigned on the reverse side of name badges)

12:00 PM Lunch

1:00 PM Breakout Discussion Session #2

The Expanding Regulation of Privacy and Security
The FTC, HHS, FCC, State AGs, EU, SEC . . . the list of regulators and laws addressing privacy are expanding.  What is most notable about this evolving landscape?   What are the latest strategies for staying ahead of these developments?  With the growing recognition of the interconnectedness between privacy and security, what is being done internally within organizations to integrate these functions?  Is the place and role of the privacy professional changing?

2:30 PM Break

3:00 PM Breakout Discussion Session #3

Hot Topics
We will program this last session on emerging topics in the weeks before the Roundtable.

4:00 PM Closing Reception

5:00 PM End of Roundtable

9/22 Webinar: Changing Role of the CPO in Today’s Privacy Ecosystem
Sep 22 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

The Chief Privacy Officer (CPO) is now center stage with responsibility for driving an important strategic agenda within the enterprise. Recent IAPP research claimed there would need to be 28,000 more Data Protection Officers in Europe to meet the new GDPR requirements.

Register now for this webinar to hear insight into the changing role of the CPO as we examine questions questions such as:

  1. What will this new role look like?
  2. How will these new requirements impact the qualities, experience and responsibilities of the CPO within the enterprise?
  3. What do you need to do to make sure you’re ready to be a CPO in the new privacy landscape?

Join this webinar to hear from current CPOs on how their roles have changed and what they see as they future need as well as industry experts who will talk about the tools, training and experience essential for success.

*Can’t make the webinar? Register anyway! We’ll send you a followup email with the slides and recording after the webinar!*

Smart Cities Week 2016 @ Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Sep 27 – Sep 29 all-day

Smart Cities Week is a highly interactive conference and expo that showcases cutting-edge technologies, real-world solutions and proven strategies government leaders need to build more livable, workable, sustainable cities. City leaders will have an opportunity to see, hear and experience the next wave of innovative, integrated technologies that are already helping cities around the world become more compassionate, connected and sustainable.

The Smart Cities Week program will show you how to better engage your city’s citizens and improve transportation to increase equity and access to opportunity. You’ll learn how smart water systems can reduce costs and improve efficiency, and what to do with all the data your city collects. See below for just some of the topics currently in development and be sure to check back in for updates on sessions in development on Smart Buildings, Street Lighting, Microgrids and Distributed Energy, Public Safety, Waste Management, Telecommunication, and more.








Health Data Innovator Privacy and Security Workshop @ Santa Clara Convention Center
Sep 27 @ 12:30 pm – 4:00 pm

This workshop is designed to help health care entrepreneurs and applications developers determine the necessary and appropriate privacy and security safeguards for managing consumer data. Session participants will learn about their responsibilities under the Privacy and Security Rules of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and other federal and California privacy and security laws, and consider strategies for their effective navigation.

Presented by AcademyHealth, with support from the California Health Care Foundation

An Economic Summit: America’s Digital Infrastructure 2017 and Beyond – Georgetown University @ GU School of Continuing Studies
Sep 28 @ 8:30 am – 1:00 pm

As the nation faces a political transition, the time is ripe to highlight and examine the underlying economics of policies that will ensure America’s leadership in the deployment and adoption of cutting-edge digital infrastructure. This Economic Summit will assemble leading economists from across the country to: (1) consider the principal economic policy challenges influencing the ongoing deployment of broadband technologies; (2) discuss current economic policy developments that impact investment in and deployment of digital infrastructures; and (3) offer recommendations for next-administration economic policies.

EDPS-BEUC Conference on Big Data: Individual Rights and Smart Enforcement
Sep 29 @ 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Technology disrupts all aspects of our lives – in good ways and bad. Meanwhile, basic rights such as privacy, freedom of expression and non-discrimination are under unprecedented strain. Big Data and the Internet of Things bring policy, regulatory and enforcement challenges that require a holistic approach to ensure that the rights and interests of individuals are safeguarded in the coming decades.

The EDPS, in collaboration with European consumer organisation BEUC, is hosting a joint conference on Big Data: individual rights and smart enforcement in Brussels on Thursday 29 September 2016. The conference will include panels on online platforms, smart technologies and the Digital Single Market. Speakers include EU Commissioner for Competition Margrethe Vestager, Federal Trade Commissoner Terrell McSweeny, BEUC Director General Monique Goyens and European Data Protection Supervisor, Giovanni Buttarelli.

This high level conference will bring together leading regulators and experts in the competition, data protection and consumer protection spheres to discuss key areas of economic and societal change, to promote closer dialogue and cooperation among regulatory and enforcement bodies and explore how to better respond to the challenges our society is facing.

The registration was closed on Monday 12 September, but the event will be webstreamed live.

Launching the Privacy and Sustainable Computing Lab @ Vienna University of Economics and Business
Sep 29 @ 5:30 pm – Sep 30 @ 6:00 pm

When it comes to developing sustainable computing systems, private, secure, open and ethical IT is the way of the future. The General Data Protection Legislation passed in January 2016 has been a landmark in this endeavor, however beyond legislation the time is ripe for societal and technological changes.

On the occasion of the inaugural event of the WU’s Privacy & Sustainable Computing Lab, we analyse where we stand in terms of privacy for sustainable computing. This event brings together current perspectives from NGO’s, standardisation bodies, researchers, engineers, business and legal representatives.

Data Protection in Financial Technology (FinTech), Insurance, and Medical Services: A New Regulation and Perspectives @ European Court of Justice
Sep 30 – Oct 1 all-day

The Union Internationale des Avocats (UIA) will hold a two-day seminar on data protection in the FinTech, insurance and medical services sectors. Hosted by the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg, the event is open to both lawyers and non-lawyers and will take place between 30 September and 1 October 2016.

The FinTech, insurance and medical services sectors all face common challenges when dealing with particularly sensitive data. While big data and new technologies have created new opportunities for these sectors, these developments also raise significant data protection concerns. The seminar will explore the challenges of finding a balance between the adoption of these new technologies, the search for competitiveness and the need to protect personal data, and how we can address them. Conclusions will be presented by European Data Protection Supervisor Giovanni Buttarelli alongside Dean Spielmann, a judge at the General Court of the European Union.

Research Conference on Communications, Information and Internet Policy @ Antonin Scalia Law School, George Mason University
Sep 30 – Oct 1 all-day


September 30 – October 1, 2016 

The 44th Research Conference on Communications, Information,
and Internet Policy

Overview:  TPRC is an annual conference on information policy that convenes researchers and policymakers from academia, industry, government, and nonprofit organizations. TPRC strives to inspire top quality information, communications, and technology policy research, and to connect researchers, policymakers, lawyers, and practitioners. TPRC is the longest-running conference of its kind, and has a legacy of showcasing cutting-edge research across multiple disciplines and international perspectives.

Dates and Location:  The 2016 conference will be held from the morning of Friday, September 30 through Saturday, October 1, 2016, at the Antonin Scalia Law School, George Mason University in Arlington, Virginia.  A Capitol Hill event and the Graduate Student Consortium will take place a day before the conference on Thursday, September 29. Details for these events are found by following the applicable links.  Our long-standing attendees should take note of the change in format from prior years: TPRC will be held all day Friday, September 30 and all day Saturday, October 1. There will be no Sunday sessions.

TPRC is a great place to meet new people, and to reconnect with experts in the field of Internet policy, communications, and information. We are a diverse and energetic community of scholars, and we welcome your participation!

The Future of Health Data Sharing: Giving Consumers Private and Portable Access to Their Own Medical Records @ Information Technology and Innovation Foundation
Sep 30 @ 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm

In 2009, Congress passed the HITECH Act to promote the adoption and meaningful use of health information technology (IT). In particular, Congress intended for this legislation to create the conditions so that every American would soon have access to a private, secure, and portable electronic health record. While the United States has made substantial progress in meaningful use of health IT, most patients are still unable to easily transfer their complete medical record to a new provider, share their records securely with other family members or care givers, or donate their medical data for research. These problems lower the quality of care patients receive, reduce competition among providers, raise costs for health care payers, and stand in the way of advancements in data-driven medicine.

As part of National Health IT Week, please join ITIF and a panel of experts for a discussion about the future of medical data sharing and the steps Congress and the next administration can take to reduce health information blocking, give consumers access to their medical data, and fully realize the benefits of the health information revolution.

Additonal panelists to be announced.

The event is free and open to the public. Lunch will be provided. The event will be live-streamed and a recording will be available following the event. Follow @ITIFdc during the event, and join the conversation using #NHITWeek.

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