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Privacy and Innovation @ Toronto
Mar 16 @ 12:00 pm – 1:15 pm
Privacy and Innovation @ Toronto  | Toronto | Ontario | Canada


Professor Avi Goldfarb
University of Toronto

“Privacy and Innovation”

Information and communication technology enable firms to collect
detailed and potentially intrusive data about their customers both
easily and cheaply. This means that privacy concerns are no longer
limited to government surveillance and public figures’ private lives.
The empirical literature on privacy regulation shows that privacy
regulation may affect the extent and direction of data-based
innovation. We also show that the impact of privacy regulation can be
extremely heterogeneous. Therefore, we argue that digitization means
that privacy policy is now a part of innovation policy.

Avi Goldfarb is the Ellison Professor of Marketing at the Rotman
School of Management, University of Toronto. Avi’s research focuses on
understanding the opportunities and challenges of the digital economy
and has been funded by Google, Industry Canada, the Sloan Foundation,
the NSF, Bell Canada, AIMIA, SSHRC, and others.. He has also used an
economics lens to explore the drivers of brand value and the limits of
rational models of managerial decision-making. He has published over
60 academic articles in a variety of outlets in marketing, statistics,
law, computing, and economics. He is Senior Editor at Marketing
Science, Chief Data Scientist of the Creative Destruction Lab, and a
Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research. For
the past two years, he has co-organized the NBER’s Economics of
Digitization PhD student tutorial. He also co-organized the Marketing
Science-Federal Trade Commission Conference on Marketing and Consumer
Protection. His work with Catherine Tucker on privacy has been
referenced by the White House, the European Commission, and in US
Congressional Testimony. His work with Ajay Agrawal and Christian
Catalini on crowdfunding has been identified by the Ontario Security
Commission as directly influencing the OSC LaunchPad initiative. Avi
received his Ph.D. in economics from Northwestern University.

For this announcement in PDF, please view online:

Law and Big Data: How Information Analytics Will Change the Law @ Paris
Mar 17 – Mar 18 all-day
Cybersecurity in an Age of Uncertainty: U.S.-Israel Perspectives @ Washington, DC
Mar 20 – Mar 21 all-day
Cybersecurity in an Age of Uncertainty: U.S.-Israel Perspectives @ Washington, DC | Washington | District of Columbia | United States

National security, human rights, and the global digital economy are now dependent on cybersecurity. Through a series of four expert panels, the conference will explore cutting-edge US-Israeli cyberpolicy issues involving national security, crime, human rights, and the digital economy. Topics to be discussed include active cyber military operations, Internet freedom, cybertheft, and technological capabilities. Each panel will explore the responsibilities of various governmental agencies as well as the roles of the private sector and the public in each country.

Unlocking the Privacy-Security Debate @ Phoenix
Mar 20 @ 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Unlocking the Privacy-Security Debate @ Phoenix

Unlocking the Privacy-Security Debate

March 20, 2017

Event Time:

9:00am – 12:00pm


Beus Center for Law & Society – Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law

Room 544 – Fifth Floor Conference Center

111 E. Taylor Street, Phoenix, AZ 85004

Terrorism and cybersecurity are two significant national security threats that the global community must deal with in the coming decade. The current approach of mass surveillance and reducing the strength of encryption have questionable and potentially detrimental effects that lead to concerns about the invasion of privacy and undermining freedom and prosperity. Leaders from government, industry, and academia will come together in this open forum to discuss current methods of combating terrorism and cybersecurity threats and the need to establish win-win, positive-sum methods. By addressing these concerns, we can begin the complex and necessary process of simultaneously enhancing security and protecting our privacy.

To register or for more information, click here. 

9:00-9:15 AM Registration & Coffee
9:15-9:30 AM Welcome and Introductions Jamie Winterton
Director of Strategy, Global Security Initiative, ASU
9:30-10:00 AM   Privacy and Security: Better Together Michael Chertoff
US Secretary of Homeland Security 2005-2009
10:00-10:30 AM Global Privacy and Security by Design Ann Cavoukian
Executive Director, Privacy and Big Data Institute, Ryerson University
10:30-10:45 AM Break
10:45-11:15 AM Privacy Engineering Michelle Dennedy
VP & Chief Privacy Officer, Cisco
11:15-12:00 PM Q&A with Panel Moderator: George Tomko
Expert-in-Residence at Privacy, Security and Identity Institute, University of Toronto


Attendees are eligible for up to 2 CLE credits. 

Workshop Series on the implementation of the EU GDPR Data Protection and the Energy Sector: the example of smart grids. @ Brussels
Mar 21 all-day
Workshop Series on the implementation of the EU GDPR Data Protection and the Energy Sector: the example of smart grids. @ Brussels  | Elsene | Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest | Belgium

Workshop Series on the implementation of the EU GDPR Data Protection and the Energy Sector: the example of smart grids. 21 March 2017 Lisbon Conference Room, Lower Ground Floor Institute for European Studies, VUB 5 Pleinlaan, 1050, Brussel By registration only ([email protected]) This workshop is aimed at increasing sensibility of data protection in the energy sector and to raise awareness. The example of smart grids, collecting sensitive information of individuals will play a central role in the workshop. Experts in the areas of energy and data protection will present their views, followed by an interactive discussion. A re-organisation of the energy market is on the way and related challenges are not quite clear yet. Who will be a service provider in the future market, who will collect data in the energy sector? What are the main challenges? How can the objective of more efficient energy use by individuals – sometimes enabled by big data analysis – be balanced with the need for privacy?

12.00-12.30 Arrival and lunch

12.30-12.50 Introducing Data stream in the energy system – MarieTherese Holzleitner, Energie Institut, Linz

12.50-13.10 Introducing Smart grids and privacy and its relation to the internet of things – Raphäel Gellert, LSTS-VUB

13.10-13.30 Introducing the Data protection impact assessment template for smart grid and smart metering systems (Released by the EC in January 2017) – Massimo Attoresi, EDPS

13.30-14.00 Panel Discussion (Chaired by Dr Hielke Hijmans, BPH-VUB)

The Things of the Internet @ Cambridge
Mar 21 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
The Things of the Internet @ Cambridge | Cambridge | Massachusetts | United States

Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University
Harvard Law School campus, Wasserstein Hall
Milstein East C (Room 2036, second floor)

RSVP required to attend in person
Event will be live webcast at 12:00 pm

As the internet connects makers, manufacturers and shippers across supply chains, a new form of producing and distributing global objects is arising, one that relies more on bottom up networks than top down oversight. When you look carefully, you see the signs of them: in the US, they might be t-shirts with hashtags on them, pussyhats at marches, and creative protest signs, and in Shenzhen, China, we see a plethora of hardware objects, such as selfie sticks, hoverboards and e-cigarettes, that rapidly reach global markets. What sorts of objects do new forms of hardware culture enable, and what role does the internet now play in all steps along the way, from ideation to sales to manufacturing to shipping? How might we now incorporate physical objects into our notions of internet memes? And what does this suggest about the future of object culture more generally?

About An

An Xiao Mina is a technologist and writer who looks at issues of the global internet and networked creativity. As a Berkman Klein Fellow, she will study the impact of language barriers in our technology stack as the internet extends into diverse communities around the world, and she will continue her ongoing research on global internet meme culture.

Mina leads the product team at Meedan, where they are building digital tools for journalists and translators, and she is co-founder of The Civic Beat, a research collective focused on the creative side of civic technology. She serves as a contributing editor to Civicist, an advisory editor to Hyperallergic, and a governing board member at China Residencies.

She has spoken at venues like the Personal Democracy Forum, ACM SIGCHI, Creative Mornings, the Aspen Institute, RightsCon and the Institute for the Future, and she has contributed writing to publications like the Los Angeles Review of Books, Fusion, the New Inquiry, Nieman Journalism Lab, Places Journal and others.

Recently a 2016 Knight Visiting Nieman Fellow, where she studied online language barriers and their impact on journalism, Mina is currently working on a book about internet memes and global social movements (working title: “Memes to Movements”), to be published by Beacon Press.

WilmerHale Cybersecurity, Privacy and Communications Webinar: Financial Privacy Primer @ Online
Mar 21 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
WilmerHale Cybersecurity, Privacy and Communications Webinar: Financial Privacy Primer @ Online

Join WilmerHale for the next session of the 2017 Cybersecurity, Privacy and Communications Webinar Series, during which WilmerHale Partner Heather Zachary and Senior Associate Nicole Ewart will explore the current financial privacy landscape.

This presentation will offer practical guidance not only for financial institutions, but also for service providers, FinTech companies, and other entities that process or store consumer financial information. The webinar also will provide guidance to companies outside the financial sector that use credit reports or other consumer reports, or that provide analyses to third parties on consumers, employees or applicants for employment.

Topics of discussion include:

  • complying with the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, the Right to Financial Privacy Act, the Fair Credit Reporting Act and state financial privacy laws;
  • navigating restrictions on the use, sharing and monetization of “nonpublic personal information” and other financial data;
  • responding to government requests for customer financial information;
  • identifying activities that can convert a business into a “consumer reporting agency,” and the consequences of that designation;
  • obtaining and using consumer reports in various contexts, including employment; and
  • enforcement and litigation trends.

Participants will have the opportunity to contribute questions online and interact with panelists throughout the webinar.

7th ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (CODASPY 2017) @ Scottsdale
Mar 22 – Mar 24 all-day
7th ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (CODASPY 2017) @ Scottsdale | Scottsdale | Arizona | United States

With rapid global penetration of the Internet and smart phones and the resulting productivity and social gains, the world is becoming increasingly dependent on its cyber infrastructure. Criminals, spies and predators of all kinds have learned to exploit this landscape much quicker than defenders have advanced in their technologies. Security and Privacy has become an essential concern of applications and systems throughout their lifecycle. Security concerns have rapidly moved up the software stack as the Internet and web have matured. The security, privacy, functionality, cost and usability tradeoffs necessary in any practical system can only be effectively achieved at the data and application layers. This new conference provides a dedicated venue for high-quality research in this arena, and seeks to foster a community with this focus in cyber security.

TACD event: Empowering and Protecting Youth in the Big Data Era @ Washington, DC
Mar 22 @ 8:30 am – 12:00 pm
TACD event: Empowering and Protecting Youth in the Big Data Era @ Washington, DC | Washington | District of Columbia | United States

Young people are growing up in a digital world of constant connectivity – engaging 24/7 through social media, mobile devices, gaming platforms, and video streaming channels.  While offering important opportunities for youth to express their creativity, explore and learn, interact with their peers, and participate in civic discourse, contemporary digital media can also pose threats to their privacy and can negatively impact their development. Children and teens spend or influence an estimated $1.2 trillion a year worldwide. Media companies, programmers, and advertisers are developing hundreds of new digital ventures designed to tap into this growing lucrative youth global market.


This special half day meeting brings together consumer and privacy advocates, academics, policy makers, and industry representatives for a focused roundtable discussion to:

– identify the key issues raised by emerging trends in contemporary children’s digital media

– assess the current state of regulatory policy in both the EU and the United States

– exchange perspectives from various stakeholders

– highlight opportunities for consensus building and collaboration

– begin crafting an agenda for collaborative transatlantic strategies and policies.


Registration for the event is now open. Those interested are kindly recommended to register their participation by completing and submitting the Online Registration Form no later than Tuesday, 14 March 2017.


Please download final programme and concept note. Please follow this web page for important updates.

Privacy & Security Challenges in Investigative Journalism (University of Michigan Dissonance Event Series) @ Ann Arbor
Mar 22 @ 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Privacy & Security Challenges in Investigative Journalism (University of Michigan Dissonance Event Series) @ Ann Arbor | Ann Arbor | Michigan | United States

Join Knight-Wallace Fellows Bastian Obermayer and Laurent Richard as they discuss their work in investigating and reporting on the Panama Papers and Luxembourg Leaks. This discussion will focus on privacy and IT security challenges when engaging in high-profile, international investigatory journalism in the digital age.

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