
Use our global calendar of privacy events to locate an event near you.



FTC’s Fall Technology Series: Ransomware @ Constitution Center
Sep 7 @ 1:00 pm

With alarming frequency, ransomware hackers are sneaking into consumer and business computers, encrypting files containing photos, documents and other important data, and then demanding a ransom in exchange for the key needed to decrypt the files. At times, these hackers pose as the FBI or other law enforcement officials and claim that the ransom is a “fine” for viewing illegal material and that failure to pay the “fine” will result in criminal prosecution. Consumers, businesses, and government agencies are falling prey to these schemes, including hospitals whose servers may contain sensitive patient data. New forms of ransomware encrypt files of website operators, threatening not only their files containing stored data, but the very files needed to operate their websites. Other variants of ransomware are now targeting files on mobile devices. The Ransomware workshop will address questions such as:

How do ransomware extortionists gain access to consumer and business computers?

What role can consumer and business education play in preventing ransomware infections?

Are there steps consumers and businesses should be taking to reduce the risk of ransomware or to decrease its impact?

Are there technological measures that computer operating system and web browser designers can take to prevent ransomware?

Are there browser plug-ins or other tools that consumers and businesses can employ that will warn if their data is about to be encrypted?

What can be learned from criminal law enforcement’s efforts to combat ransomware?

If you fall prey to ransomware, should you pay the ransom?

If you pay the ransom, how likely are you to receive the decryption key and be able to view your files?

What happens if you don’t pay the ransom? Are your files lost forever?

NIST and DOT Privacy Engineering Workshop: Next Steps for NIST SP 800-53, Appendix J @ Department of Transportation (DOT)
Sep 8 @ 9:00 am – 3:00 pm

Date and time: September 8, 2016, 9 AM – 3 PM

Location: Department of Transportation (DOT), 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Washington, DC

NIST and the Department of Transportation (DOT) will co-host a public workshop to gather input on the privacy controls in Appendix J of NIST Special Publication 800-53, Revision 4. The workshop will explore the effectiveness and challenges of applying the current privacy controls in 800-53 and whether changes should be made in the publication’s fifth revision. Panelists and attendees will participate in facilitated discussions on topics including potential amendments to the privacy control families, broader guidance on the relationship between the privacy and security controls, and the need for additional NIST guidance on the implementation of controls into better support privacy engineering practices in federal agencies.

Who Should Attend: System design and privacy engineers, privacy officers, senior agency officials for privacy (SAOPs) and privacy subject matter experts should attend this interactive workshop. Public and private sector attendees and academics welcome.

Registration: Click here to register!

Questions? Contact [email protected]

IAPP: Privacy. Security. Risk. 2016 @ San Jose Convention Center
Sep 13 – Sep 16 all-day

Innovative since Day 1, P.S.R. brings together two related fields—privacy and security—helping you see beyond your role in order to excel in your role. Because perspective is everything.

Delivering the most thought-provoking speakers, sessions led by foremost experts and invaluable opportunities to connect and share ideas, P.S.R. gives you a world of new perspective. Don’t miss it.

Phenomenal Keynotes:

Monica Lewinsky: Addressing such topics as survival, resilience, digital reputation and equality, Lewinsky will share firsthand perspective on private shame as a very public and in-demand online commodity.

Cathy O’Neil: O’Neil, the self-described Math Babe, in her book Weapons of Math Destruction examines how big data threatens democracy by creating inequality where no one can see it. How can privacy pros potentially head that off at the pass?

Jeffrey Rosen: A foremost authority and thinker on the U.S. Constitution and the Supreme Court of the U.S., Rosen will explore how European ideas of the Right to be Forgotten jibe with the First Amendment and ingrained freedom of expression and the press in the U.S.

The Human Response to New Technology @ Yahoo!
Sep 14 @ 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm

This event features the screenings of two short films, “The Adaptable Mind” and “ParenTechnology”, followed by a Q&A panel discussion with the filmmaker, Tiffany Shlain. Based on the films, we will explore the impact that technology is having on kids, parenting and the human mind.

Emmy-nominated filmmaker, speaker, and Webby Awards Founder Tiffany Shlain has received over 70 awards and distinctions for her films and work, and was named by Newsweek as “one of the women shaping the 21st Century.” Her films and work often wrestle with the good, the bad and the potential of technology.

FTC’s Putting Disclosures to the Test @ CONSTITUTION CENTER
Sep 15 @ 1:00 pm

The Federal Trade Commission will host a public workshop in Washington, DC on September 15, 2016 to examine the testing and evaluation of disclosures that companies make to consumers about advertising claims, privacy practices, and other information.

Effective disclosures are critical in helping consumers make informed decisions in the marketplace.

Many advertisers have used disclosures in an attempt to prevent their advertisements from being deceptive. Disclosures must be crafted with care both with respect to their language and presentation. Disclosures used in the marketplace are sometimes ineffective.  Commission staff has recommended that disclosures be tested for effectiveness.
Disclosures are also challenging in the privacy arena, whether disclosing to consumers that their physical location or online interactions are being tracked, or explaining privacy practices when consumers sign up for a service. Privacy policies are often long and difficult to comprehend and privacy-related icons may fail to communicate information meaningfully to consumers. Furthermore, the accompanying mechanisms for consumers to provide informed consent or exercise choices about the use of their data may also be confusing. The Commission has long encouraged the development and testing of shorter, clearer, easier-to-use privacy disclosures and consent mechanisms.
The FTC has issued guides to help businesses avoid deceptive claims, such as guidance related to endorsements, environmental claims, fuel economy advertising, and the jewelry industry. Often the guidance presents options for qualifying claims to avoid deception. In developing guides, the Commission has sometimes relied on consumer research to gauge whether specific disclosures can be used to qualify otherwise misleading claims.
The FTC has a long commitment to understanding and testing the effectiveness of consumer disclosure, and is especially interested in learning about the costs and benefits of disclosure testing methods in the digital age.  A number of factors impact the effectiveness of disclosures, including whether they contain the most essential information and consumers notice them, direct their attention towards them, comprehend them, and are able to use that information in their decision making.  Some testing methods are more appropriate than others for evaluating these factors.

The workshop is aimed at encouraging and improving the evaluation and testing of disclosures by industry, academics, and the FTC.  The FTC’s workshop will explore how to test the effectiveness of these disclosures to ensure consumers notice them, understand them and can use them in their decision-making.   It is intended to further the understanding of testing and evaluation of both offline and online consumer disclosures, including those delivered through icons, product labels, short text, long text, audio or video messages, interactive tools, and other media. Topics may include evaluation criteria, testing methodologies and best practices, case studies, and lessons learned from such testing.

Contentious Data: A One-day event on the Politics of Big Data for Activism @ University of Amsterdam
Sep 15 @ 5:58 pm – 6:58 pm

Contentious Data is the kick-off  event of the DATACTIVE project, an interdisciplinary research project hosted at  the Department of Media Studies at the University of Amsterdam. DATACTIVE  investigates citizens’ engagement with massive data collection. It originates  from the observation that, with the diffusion of big data, citizens become increasingly aware of the critical role of information in modern societies. This awareness nurtures new social practices rooted on data and technology, which we term ‘data activism’. By increasingly involving ordinary users, data activism is a signal of a change in perspective and attitude towards massive data collection emerging within the civil society realm.

Contentious Data will bring together scholars and practitioners to explore the politics of big data from the perspective of activism and civil society.

Speakers include Sandra Braman (Texas A&M University), Alison Powell (London School of Economics), Hisham al-Miraat (Digital Rights Morocco), Linnet Taylor (Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology and Society), Dorien Zandbergen (University of Amsterdam), Jaromil/Denis Rojo (dyne.org), Geert Lovink (Institute for Network Cultures), and Stefania Milan (DATACTIVE Principle Investigator).

Contentious Data is sponsored by the European Research Council (ERC), the Amsterdam Centre for Globalisation Studies (ACGS), the Amsterdam School of Cultural Analysis (ASCA), and the Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research (AISSR).

Codes of Conduct and Certification
Sep 19 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm

The European Privacy Association (EPA) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) webinars will be held throughout the year and are aimed at all professionals interested in the regulation of data protection. Each webinar will be chaired by Dr. Paolo Balboni, President and Noriswadi Ismail, Scientific Director and members of our Scientific Committee and will last for 60 minutes, ending with a Q&A session.The webinars will focus on compliance, governance, business controls and operational aspects in relation to the forthcoming GDPR relevant for all companies doing business in Europe. The GDPR debate and discussion have dominated the European marketplace for the past 4 years. Organisations and stakeholders have 2 years to operationalise their GDPR readiness programme to avoid non-compliance enforcement actions from national Data Protection Authorities.NB: If you weren’t able to sign up before the first webinar it is still possible to sign up for the series. In compensation you will receive a detailed summary of the April 20th presentation.

The price of attendance for the remaining webinars is €670.00 (excluding VAT)
Fellows receive a special discount of 50% for a total of €350.00 (excluding VAT) for all remaining webinars

To become Fellow of EPA it is necessary to send your CV to info [@]europeanprivacyassociation. eu and subject to a positive EPA Board evaluation of your profile, you will need to contribute to EPA.  Fellow annual supportership is €100.00 (excluding VAT).
If you would like to know more about the benefits of becoming a Fellow please contact us.

– All webinars will be recorded in case you cannot attend and have paid for the package –

Feel free to contact us for further information.

Please RSVP to webinar [@] europeanprivacyassociation.eu

Privacy Lab – EU Privacy Panel – GDPR, Privacy Shield, Brexit and More
Sep 21 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Event Description

Need to learn more about EU Privacy? Join us for a lively panel discussion of EU Privacy, including GDPR, Privacy Shield, Brexit and more.

Panelists include:

Dr. Kai Westerwelle, Partner at Taylor Wessing.

Kai Westerwelle is a Partner with the international law firm Taylor Wessing and co-chairs the firm’s US Group and Menlo Park representative office. He is a German Certified Specialist Lawyer in Information Technology Law and advises on IT-projects, such as cloud solutions and IoT, as well as on privacy matters for leading international companies. In addition, he lectures on privacy at the University of Dresden and compliance at the Frankfurt School of Business and Finance. Kai is the author of numerous publications and regularly speaks at national and international conferences. He is permanently listed in iam 250 “The World’s Leading Patent & Technology Licensing Lawyers”, “Best Lawyers” of German Handelsblatt, Legal 500, and Chambers. He is a recurrent recipient of the “ILO Client Choice Award” for IT-Law in Germany and the German Association of In-house Counsels has ranked him as one of ‘the most recommended data protection specialists’.

Additional panelists TBD (I’ll update as we confirm them – we have several in the works!).

Our moderator for the evening and UC Hastings host is Jill Bronfman.

Jill Bronfman is the Director of the Privacy and Technology Project at the Institute for Innovation Law and an Adjunct Professor of Law in Data Privacy and Compliance at UC Hastings. She was named to The Recorder’s 2014 list of the 50 Women Leaders in Tech Law. Previously, Professor Bronfman was an AGC and Network Security SME for Verizon where she designed and moderated several in-house training programs in data security and compliance. Professor Bronfman has presented on privacy and security issues at the RSA, International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP), and ISACA conferences, and has had papers accepted for Berkeley Law Privacy Law Scholars Conference (PLSC), Amsterdam Privacy Conference (APC2015), and U.N./Univ. of Geneva (2016).

Bitkom’s Privacy Conference – Finding Common Ground @ Kalkscheune Berlin
Sep 22 all-day

Privacy has become a key factor in international business transactions. The digital economy needs a solid basis for data processing and data transfers. This need poses new challenges for privacy issues in both businesses and society. The Privacy Conference brings together privacy experts from various backgrounds to identify a common understanding on privacy.

This year’s conference will focus on the EU General Data Protection Regulation and the transatlantic Privacy Shield. Speakers will point out the key features of the reform and showcase their solutions for the implementation. How to be compliant with the GDPR? What is to be expected from the various opening clauses? Which technical Solutions to Privacy, Security, and Confidentiality allow both use and protection? And what must companies do the get behind the Privacy Shield?

These and many more questions will be addressed by data protection authorities, business representatives and academia to find a common ground on privacy.

Privacy Law Salon: Policymaker Roundtable @ The National Press Club 13th floor
Sep 22 all-day

Thursday, Sept. 22

5:00 PM Reception
6:00 PM Keynote Q&A
7:00 PM – 8:30 PM Dinner

Friday, Sept. 23rd
8:00 AM Breakfast and Introductory Remarks

9:00 AM Morning Panel Q&A

The Future of EU Privacy and Its Implications
The GDPR, the Privacy Shield, and regulators’ global application of the Right to be Forgotten on American companies point to a fundamental policy shift: Washington has taken a backseat to Brussels on privacy regulation. How will US-based multinationals operate in this new environment with more prescriptive rules, more detailed accounting requirements, and growing fines?

10:00 AM Break

10:30 AM Breakout Discussion Session #1

The Future of EU Privacy and Its Implications
A discussion to follow from the preceding panel.

(breakout rooms assigned on the reverse side of name badges)

12:00 PM Lunch

1:00 PM Breakout Discussion Session #2

The Expanding Regulation of Privacy and Security
The FTC, HHS, FCC, State AGs, EU, SEC . . . the list of regulators and laws addressing privacy are expanding.  What is most notable about this evolving landscape?   What are the latest strategies for staying ahead of these developments?  With the growing recognition of the interconnectedness between privacy and security, what is being done internally within organizations to integrate these functions?  Is the place and role of the privacy professional changing?

2:30 PM Break

3:00 PM Breakout Discussion Session #3

Hot Topics
We will program this last session on emerging topics in the weeks before the Roundtable.

4:00 PM Closing Reception

5:00 PM End of Roundtable

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