
Use our global calendar of privacy events to locate an event near you.



Third Annual Digital Information Policy Scholars Conference @ Arlington, VA
Apr 27 @ 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Third Annual Digital Information Policy Scholars Conference @ Arlington, VA | Arlington | Virginia | United States

The Conference will feature a luncheon keynote from Andrew E. Stivers, Deputy Director for Consumer Protection, Bureau of Economics, Federal Trade Commission.

This conference will feature 12 original research papers, including:

SEC Financial Filings 
Ginger Jin (University of Maryland and National Bureau of Economic Research) and Yi Cao(University of Maryland Robert H. Smith School of Business)

Privacy Literacy and Self-Efficacy in Establishing Value of Privacy
Dmitry Epstein and Kelly Quinn (University of Illinois at Chicago)

Sponsored Search Advertisement and Consumer Prices
Eduardo Schnadower MustriAlessandro Acquisti (Carnegie Mellon University), and Idris Adjerid (University of Notre Dame)

Infrastructural Solutions to the Analog Keyhole Problem
David Sidi and Laura Brandimarte (The University of Arizona)

Are Digital Markets Different?
John Newman (University of Memphis Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law)

Airbnb, Anonymity, and Illegal Actors
Liad Wagman (IIT Stuart School of Business)

connect:ID 2018 @ Washington, DC
Apr 30 – May 2 all-day
connect:ID 2018 @ Washington, DC | Washington | District of Columbia | United States

In four years, connect:ID, powered by Science Media Partners and the International Biometrics + Identity Association (IBIA),has become the world’s premier event dedicated to all aspects of human identity technology and its implementation in the digital, mobile, and physical domains.

The event has grown as governments, the private sector, and consumers, increasingly recognize the importance of secure identity solutions. The challenge is to understand how these systems can be used in a way that is natural and frictionless, yet is trusted, and sensitive to privacy concerns.

: Our mission…

Secure identity technology can be used in a multitude of ways. From next-generation authentication solutions for accessing digital or mobile infrastructures, to securing transactions, and delivering new, efficient ways to identify citizens.

connect:ID’s mission is to explore how secure identity technology is enhancing authentication, wherever it is used – from aviation and border control, to healthcare, finance, education and countless other markets.

We will also consider challenging issues, such as identity fraud, personal data theft, the intensification of national security threats, and cyber intrusions. Customers, employees, and citizens also need a less frustrating, yet trusted, method to authenticate their identity.

: Join us

With our comprehensive identity-solutions based exhibition, and a multitrack conference that draws together the world’s leading minds – and pioneers – connect:ID 2018 will offer users practical advice for today, examine current government policies, and provide thought-provoking insights into the future of identity. 



connect:ID brings together leading experts from industry, as well as adopters and government officials, to explore the development and fusion of multiple advanced identity technologies.

Government, commercial and consumer markets are in search of answers to the growing difficulties associated with managing and securing human identity. connect:ID takes up this challenge, exploring, in-depth, these real world requirements.

IAPP Data Protection Intensive Deutschland 2018
May 1 @ 6:14 pm – 7:14 pm

irst ever IAPP multi-language conference set to debut in Munich.

Join data protection professionals from across Europe for two days of concentrated learning, sharing, and networking at the IAPP Data Protection Intensive Deutschland 2018 in Munich on 18-19 September.

All sessions will be delivered by data protection experts in parallel tracks−one in English, the other in German. It’s practical advice designed to improve your operational response to the GDPR and prepare you for future challenges.

If you wish to speak with someone in German for details about the IAPP Data Protection Intensive Deutschland 2018, contact the IAPP European office in Brussels at [email protected]or +32.(0)2.761.66.86.


IAPP Data Protection Intensive in München: Erfahrungsaustausch ohne Grenzen

Treffen Sie zwei Tage lang Datenschutzexperten aus ganz Europa und teilen Sie ihre Erfahrungen mit er neuen Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGVO): Die International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) lädt Datenschutz-Experten am 18. und 19. September 2018 zur ersten deutschen „IAPP Data Protection Intensive“ nach München.

Lernen Sie praktische Lösungen für rechtskonformen Datenschutz in der Unternehmenspraxis kennen und profitieren Sie vom Wissen ausgewiesener Spezialisten. Die Vorträge werden parallel auf Deutsch und Englisch angeboten.

Wir stehen Ihnen (auch in deutscher Sprache) bei Fragen zur IAPP Data Protection Intensive in München gerne zur Verfügung. Kontaktieren Sie das europäische IAPP-Büro in Brüssel unter [email protected] oder +32 (0)2 761 6686.


Informative Sessions


The DPO’s Place in the Organisation

An effective DPO wants to be helpful, create efficiencies by spotting problems early, and be savvy in reducing risk for the organisation. This panel discussion will explore experiences of fitting and doing great work.


Tackling the DPIA: Formats and Foibles

This session will look at methodologies for performing DPIAs correctly, talk about interactions with regulators when they become necessary, and provide concrete tools for making your process more efficient.


Privacy by Design and Privacy by Default—On the Ground

In this panel discussion, we hear about how these concepts are being honoured in practice, and what success looks like. We’ll also get real-world scenarios outlining what privacy by default does—and does not—look like in the product development process.

Conference Venue

The Sofitel Munich Bayerpost blends historic avant-garde architecture with high technology, celebrating both local culture and innovation—an ideal setting to explore how far privacy and data protection have come.

Sofitel Munich Bayerpost
Bayerstraβe 12
80335 Munich
Tel: (+49)89/599480
Fax: (+49)89/599481000
E-mail: [email protected]

Click here for a map, points of interest, and directions.


Legitimate Interests under the GDPR: Findings, Case Studies and Guidance
May 9 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Legitimate Interests under the GDPR: Findings, Case Studies and Guidance

Organizations are trying to  better understand how to use legitimate interests as a lawful basis for processing under the GDPR.

Date: May 9, 2018     Time: 10:00 am EDT

Nymity and the FPF (Future of Privacy Forum) released an important study on legitimate interests under the GDPR to wide acclaim: Processing Personal Data on the Basis of Legitimate Interests Under the GDPR. In this webinar, our panelists will discuss specific cases that have been decided at the national level by DPAs and Courts from the European Economic Area (EEA) and the most relevant cases where the Court of Justice of the European Union interpreted and applied the “legitimate interests” ground.

Join us to gain valuable insight concerning over 40 cases examined representing a wide variety of data processing activities from over 15 countries, such as:

  • Using key-logger software for employee monitoring
  • Use of GPS tracking data for private investigations
  • Disclosing health data for litigation purposes
  • Disclosing personal data for debt collection purposes
  • Sending emails without consent for electoral purposes
  • Publishing the sale price of homes that are no longer on the market
  • Recording employee misconduct

All of the cases discussed are found in the Nymity Research™ legal compliance software solution which contains over 25,000 References, including English translations of foreign documents.

FPF Advisory Board Annual Meeting @ Middleburg, VA
May 14 – May 16 all-day
FPF Advisory Board Annual Meeting @ Middleburg, VA | Middleburg | Virginia | United States

Members only event that gathers Future of Privacy Forum‘s (FPF) leading academic, advocacy and corporate stakeholders.  By invitation only. For FPF membership information, please contact Barbara Kelly at [email protected].

RightsCon Toronto @ Toronto
May 16 – May 18 all-day
RightsCon Toronto @ Toronto | Toronto | Ontario | Canada

Hosted by Access Now, RightsCon is where the world’s human rights experts, business leaders, technologists, engineers, investors, activists, and government representatives come together to share ideas, build strategies, showcase new technologies, and create tomorrow’s internet. It is an energizing reminder of the existence of a powerful global digital rights community that is determined to defend human rights and keep the internet open and free.

Convened in locations that are power centers for the internet, RightsCon has begun rotating each year around the world to various global cities. Importantly, our conference programming is shaped by our participants, with an an explicit focus on driving to the outcomes they define. Our goal is to ensure that the RightsCon community affects real and positive change in the world. In March of 2017, we had more than 250 community-led, groundbreaking sessions at RightsCon Brussels. You can find the sessions in our official program.

In 2018, RightsCon will be hosted in Toronto, Canada. To get updates on RightsCon Toronto, be sure to sign up to our newsletter for updates.

Privacy and Surveillance in a Digital Era: Challenges for Transatlantic Cooperation and European Criminal Law @ London
May 17 @ 2:00 pm – May 18 @ 5:00 pm
Privacy and Surveillance in a Digital Era: Challenges for Transatlantic Cooperation and European Criminal Law @ London | England | United Kingdom


The Annual Conference of the European Criminal Law Academic Network (ECLAN) will be on ‘Privacy and Surveillance in a Digital Era: Challenges for Transatlantic Cooperation and European Criminal Law’ and will take place at the School of Law of Queen Mary, University of London on 17-18 May 2018.

The chosen theme revolves around state surveillance activities and transatlantic relations between the EU and the US regarding legal assistance and transfer of personal data. In that respect, two keynote speeches are foreseen -one for each of the two jurisdictions- along with four panel discussions, which will touch upon the following topics: Session 1: Collection and Exchange of Digital Evidence: Possible Models and Challenges for Human Rights and the Rule of Law; Session 2: Telecommunications Data: From Digital Rights Ireland to Watson and Beyond; Session 3: Surveillance of Mobility as Preventive Justice and; Session 4: Countering Transborder Crime through Mutual Legal Assistance. Mr Mark Rotenberg from Electronic Privacy Information Centre (EPIC) will deliver the keynote speech on the Microsoft case currently pending in the US.


How to book

This event is free but prior booking is required. Register online via Eventbrite.

Please note, Registration for this conference closes on 15 May 2018.

Data Justice 2018 @ Cardiff, UK
May 21 – May 22 all-day
Data Justice 2018 @ Cardiff, UK | Wales | United Kingdom

The collection and processing of massive amounts of data has become an increasingly contentious issue. Our financial transactions, communications, movements, relationships, all now generate data that are used to profile and sort groups and individuals. With the platformisation of digital media alongside governmental and corporate uses of citizen data, developments in AI, the Internet of Things, smart homes and smart cities, the systematic collection and analysis of massive data sets across our social life is being normalised and entrenched – what has been described as the ‘datafication’ of society.

With the emergence of this data paradigm comes a new set of power dynamics requiring investigation and critique. Whilst promises of value-neutral information and possibilities for prediction are said to advance better responses to a range of social problems, they may also have serious implications for social and economic inclusion, autonomy, basic freedoms, and established notions of ethics, trust, accountability, governance and citizenship.

What are the implications for social justice? How do we understand social justice in an age of datafication? In what way do initiatives around the globe address questions of data in relation to inequality, discrimination, power and control? What is the role of policy reform, technological design and activism? How do we understand and practice ‘data justice’? How does data justice relate to other justice concerns?

This conference will examine the intricate relationship between datafication and social justice by highlighting the politics and impacts of data-driven processes and exploring different responses. Hosted by the Data Justice Lab at Cardiff’s School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies (JOMEC), it will bring together international scholars, practitioners, and activists to engage with data from a social justice perspective. Confirmed speakers include:

Anita Gurumurthy (IT for Change, India)
David Lyon (Queen’s University, Canada)
Evelyn Ruppert (Goldsmiths, University of London, UK)
Rob Kitchin (Maynooth University, Ireland)
Sasha Costanza-Chock (MIT Center for Civic Media, US)
Seeta Peña Gangadharan (London School of Economics, UK)
Solon Barocas (Cornell University, US and FAT/ML)

The conference will combine academic papers with hands-on workshops relating to methods of investigation, policy and design. We welcome submissions of abstracts for both types of sessions.

Themes of the conference include (but are not limited to):

  • Social justice and data
  • Data governance
  • Data discrimination
  • Data colonialism
  • Data sovereignty
  • Digital labour
  • Prediction and Preemption
  • Data scores and dashboards
  • Data ethics
  • Data policy and reform
  • Social justice-informed design
  • Uses of data by social justice groups
  • Data activism and advocacy


Deadline for 250-word abstracts: 27th of November, 2017.
Submit via EasyChair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=dj2018

All submissions must include a title, author name(s), institutional affiliation(s) and full contact information (mailing address, email address). If you propose a workshop or practical demonstration, please provide a clear statement of purpose and a detailed description of activities, as well as any infrastructure requirements.


Cardiff is a 2-hour train journey West of London and Heathrow airport. The closest airports are Cardiff and Bristol.

‘Data Justice’ will take place shortly before the ICA 2018 conference in Prague, 24-28 May. Flights to Prague take 2 hours from Heathrow.

Conference fee:
Full fee: £75 (early bird) / £100
Reduced student fee: £50 (early bird) / £75

Conference organizing committee: Lina Dencik, Arne Hintz, Joanna Redden (Data Justice Lab, Cardiff University, UK)

For information about the Data Justice Lab, see: http://www.datajusticelab.org

Contact for further information

Accountability in the Algorithmic Economy @ Washington, DC
May 22 @ 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
Accountability in the Algorithmic Economy @ Washington, DC | Washington | District of Columbia | United States

Increasingly, many people are raising concerns that the growing prevalence of artificial intelligence (AI) will exacerbate human bias, manipulate consumers, and cause other harms. Whether or not these concerns have merit, most proposed solutions have been substantially lacking: they either fail to effectively reduce potential harm, stifle innovation, or both. What is needed is a proposal that offers policymakers a viable middle ground that maximizes the potentially vast benefits of algorithmic decision-making while minimizing the risks.

Join the Center for Data Innovation for a presentation of its new report and a panel discussion on how policymakers can hold algorithms accountable while accelerating adoption of AI.

Date and Time:

  • Tuesday, May 22, 2018, from 1:00-2:30 PM


  • 1101 K Street NW, Suite 610, Washington, DC, 20005


  • Daniel Castro, Director, Center for Data Innovation (Moderator)
  • Neil Chilson, Senior Fellow for Technology and Innovation, Charles Koch Institute, and former Acting Chief Technologist, Federal Trace Commission
  • Joshua New, Policy Analyst, Center for Data Innovation
  • Lauren Smith, Policy Counsel, Future of Privacy Forum
  • Frank Torres, Director of Consumer Affairs, Microsoft
  • Additional speakers to be announced.
May Privacy Lab – Privacy for Safety @ San Francisco
May 22 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
May Privacy Lab - Privacy for Safety @ San Francisco  | San Francisco | California | United States
Privacy for Targeted Populations explores where and why so many apps and tech products fail in protecting privacy for end users from targeted groups. As we often fail to see what is not relevant to ourselves, our speaker will use affairs/cheating (think Ashley Madison) as a relatable and humorous context. She will examine how societal ‘normalized” behavior and bias affects design, development and incident response, exploring why this happens and how we can improve. While it is a big problem, the solutions are actually very simple and effective.
Stella, our speaker’s career has spanned school teacher, private training, event planning, inclusion training and now privacy and security. Her freelance work involves advising companies on creating inclusion programs that work, while also working directly with targeted groups, to advise on privacy and security online. Inspiration for her talks comes from a professional life filled with people confiding in her, while she tries to find secure and discreet ways to resolve their problems. She notes that she would make an excellent spy.
Please RSVP only if you do plan to attend in person. A light dinner will be served, sponsored by HackerOne, so we’d like to get an accurate catering count.

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