
Use our global calendar of privacy events to locate an event near you.



The Sidley Austin Distinguished Lecture on Big Data Law and Policy @ Columbus
Nov 9 @ 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm
The Sidley Austin Distinguished Lecture on Big Data Law and Policy @ Columbus | Columbus | Ohio | United States
The projected benefits of data science and the paradigm of big data are not compatible with privacy focused regulation of information collection. Or… so goes a compelling and popular argument. However, not only does this argument play suspiciously well with the dominant business model of the commercial information industry, but it relies on misconceptions and ambiguities of key terms. There is no denying that data science poses genuine and unprecedented challenges to privacy, but abandoning regulation of information collection in favor of use regulation will undermine a cornerstone of individual freedom.

Helen Nissenbaum, Professor of Information Science at Cornell Tech, will unravel the debate between those who continue to see continued value in protecting privacy and those who would forgo privacy in favor of use regulation of data analytics instead. The event will take place on Thursday, Nov. 9, in a distinguished lecture hosted by The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law titled “Must Privacy Give Way to Use Regulation?” Professor Neil Richards of the Washington University in St. Louis Law School, an internationally-recognized expert in privacy law, information law, and freedom of expression, will comment on Nissenbaum’s lecture and engage her in dialogue. Following the lecture, the audience is invited to a public reception with Professors Nissenbaum and Richards.

With generous support from the law firm of Sidley Austin LLP, the Moritz College of Law Program on Data and Governance presents this distinguished lecture annually. We invite you to join us and be a part of the conversation.

Privacy Engineering Research and the GDPR: A Trans-Atlantic Initiative @ Leuven
Nov 10 all-day
Privacy Engineering Research and the GDPR: A Trans-Atlantic Initiative @ Leuven | Leuven | Flanders | Belgium

A multidisciplinary research approach to understanding privacy is needed and deploying new privacy-aware approaches may require changes in existing technology systems, in business processes, in regulations, and in laws, as stated in the US National Privacy Research Strategy. When the EU’s GDPR becomes fully applicable on 25 May 2018, many data protection requirements will be seen in a new perspective. Among other aspects, “data protection by design and by default” will become an explicit legal obligation. Organizations who are processing personal data have to apply privacy engineering so that their systems implement data protection principles and integrate the necessary safeguards.

With this event, we aim to determine the relevant state of the art in privacy engineering; in particular, we will focus on those areas where the “art” needs to be developed further. The goal of this trans-Atlantic initiative is to identify open research and development tasks, which are needed to make the full achievement of the GDPR’s ambitions possible.

Format for the event:

  • Review the state of the art – including current solutions
  • Discuss current research in the field
  • Break-out Sessions – participants will focus on “key challenges” and identify challenges for research and development
  • All participants will discuss the outcomes of the break-out sessions and suggest next steps at the conclusion of the Workshop.

Who should attend:

  • Privacy Engineering Researchers
  • Privacy Engineers
  • Practitioners responsible for data governance and protection
Administrative Data Research Facilities (ADRF) Network Inaugural Address @ Washington, D.C.
Nov 13 @ 4:00 pm – Nov 14 @ 5:00 pm
Administrative Data Research Facilities (ADRF) Network Inaugural Address @ Washington, D.C. | Washington | District of Columbia | United States

As surveys continue to experience declining response rates and incur rising costs, the research community from government, business, and academia have been turning to administrative data as a powerful supplement. However, standards for accessing and using administrative data for research purposes are currently not well established in the US.

Join the Administrative Data Research Facilities (ADRF) Network, a newly formed collective of professionals, at our inaugural conference to share approaches and foster collaborative opportunities in advancing this emerging field.

The conference will kick off Monday afternoon with a colloquium on trust, transparency, and privacy. Tuesday will feature a full day of panels on topics of data access, data sharing, and the science of administrative data research.

Please visit www.adrfconference.org for the most up-to-date program. Registration closes November 8, 2017.

This event is co-convened by the Office of the Provost at Georgetown University and Actionable Intelligence for Social Policy at the University of Pennsylvania and is sponsored by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.

November Privacy Lab @ San Francisco
Nov 13 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
November Privacy Lab @ San Francisco | San Francisco | California | United States
Speaker: *Jay Freeman*

*That’s How You Get a Dystopia*
Apple/Samsung owns your phone. Google/Facebook owns your data.
Amazon/Microsoft owns your network. It seems we are no longer able to
conceptualize technology without deciding “who owns it?”. Do you want a
dystopia? Because that’s how you get a dystopia.

When you hear about tradeoffs related to freedom, privacy, security, or
even simply quality, too often the discussion is highly theoretical and we
lose people to arguments over “well, that will never happen”. In fact,
there have been enough concrete and documented failures–places where the
software development community has accidentally enabled discrimination or
even directly been forced to support oppressive regimes–that we can learn
quite a bit even limiting ourselves to only what we can glean from major
news headlines.

Attendees of this talk will hopefully obtain a new appreciation of just how
important it is to design decentralized and federated protocols, even when
ostensibly building systems that are “secure, yet centralized” (such as
Signal and even Tor), culminating in a description of Orchid, a
just-announced open-source platform that takes direct aim at Internet


Jay Freeman, widely known online as “saurik”, is the developer of Cydia,
the alternative to the App Store used on jailbroken iPhones, iPads, and the
iPod touch. Substrate, the platform he provides developers to alter the
behavior of running programs by way of runtime in-memory patching, has been
used by many thousands of developers and deployed to tens of millions of

Jay’s largely-academic background is in networking, static analysis, and
programming languages, which have resulted in nmap+V (which brought “what
version of what software is running on the remote computer?” to nmap in
2000), Exemplar/Anakrino (the first decompiler for .NET, released in 2001
while .NET was still only available to beta testers), and Cycript (a hybrid
of Objective-C and JavaScript that is often used to explore the behavior of
running programs).

In 2017, along with Brian Fox, Gustav Simonsson, Stephen Bell, and Steve
Waterhouse, Jay co-founded Orchid, a new peer-to-peer protocol and
associated organization with a goal of ensuring surveillance-free access to
the Internet for everyone, everywhere. Orchid combines monetary incentives
(using a cryptocurrency) with design decisions that give users a feeling of
“control” over their Internet connection with a fully-decentralized
protocol to build a secure market for bandwidth.

For more information about Privacy Lab, visit

SmartPrivacy – Chicago @ Chicago
Nov 14 @ 11:30 am – 5:30 pm
SmartPrivacy – Chicago @ Chicago | Chicago | Illinois | United States
SmartPrivacy is a practitioner-focused, half day local workshop where privacy professionals can learn from each other about tools and best practices to operationalize their privacy programs.

The workshop is hosted by OneTrust, however, is open to any privacy professional regardless of tool or template of choice.

A combination or structured educational sessions, peer-lead discussions, and networking allow organizations to share practical tips on topics such as GDPR compliance, how to perform a data inventory, identifying the key stakeholders/privacy champions within your organization, and how to get buy-in from executives.

Attendees can expect to receive 4.5 CPE credit hours, the ultimate PIA/DPIA, Data Inventory & Mapping, and Data Subject Rights Handbooks, access to free software tools, how-to guides, and best practices documents on the topics covered.

Workshop Agenda
• 11:30am Lunch & Registration
• 12:00pm Welcome & Introductions
• 12:30pm PIA & DPIA Workshop
• 2:15pm Data Mapping Workshop
• 3:30pm Data Subject Rights Workshop
• 4:00pm OneTrust Demo
• 4:30pm Networking & Cocktails

GDPR Conference @ Reading, UK
Nov 15 @ 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
GDPR Conference @ Reading, UK | England | United Kingdom
With the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) deadline fast approaching it’s never been more critical for businesses of all sizes to ensure they understand the implications. This event will provide you with a better understanding of the regulation and provides a road map to compliance.

How will GDPR affect your business?
Do you have a strategy in place for your Security department? What about the IT, Marketing & HR departments? Brexit isn’t going to save you from GDPR, it coming and you need to be ready for it.

6 Months to Go: What are the Risks of Non-Compliance with the GDPR? @ Online
Nov 15 @ 8:00 am – 9:00 am
6 Months to Go: What are the Risks of Non-Compliance with the GDPR? @ Online

New TrustArc / IAPP Benchmarking Research on Current Compliance and High Priority Risk Areas

The EU GDPR presents compliance challenges for organizations across the globe. With the compliance clock ticking, companies have to prioritize where to invest their efforts and resources in the run up to potential enforcement actions from May 2018 onwards. TrustArc and the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) have conducted research benchmarking current compliance and what companies considered the highest priority areas, the risks of non-compliance and what can help – whether outside counsel or technology solutions.

Register now for this webinar to hear first hand:
– Ranking of top GDPR compliance risks from over 500 privacy professionals
– Differing compliance concerns between US and EU-based companies
– Most common steps taken to mitigate compliance risks
– Analysis of the findings from leading privacy experts at IAPP and TrustArc

Can’t make it? Register anyway – we’ll automatically send you an email with both the slides and recording after the webinar!

Webinar Speakers:

Sam Pfeifle
Content Director, IAPP – International Association of Privacy Professionals

Hilary Wandall
General Counsel & Chief Data Governance Officer, TrustArc

SmartPrivacy – Geneva @ Genèva, Switzerland
Nov 15 @ 11:30 am – 5:30 pm
SmartPrivacy – Geneva @ Genèva, Switzerland | Genève | Genève | Switzerland
SmartPrivacy is a practitioner-focused, half day local workshop where privacy professionals can learn from each other about tools and best practices to operationalise their privacy programs.

The workshop is hosted by OneTrust, however, is open to any privacy professional regardless of tool or template of choice.

A combination or structured educational sessions, peer-lead discussions, and networking allow organisations to share practical tips on topics such as GDPR compliance, how to perform a data inventory, identifying the key stakeholders/privacy champions within your organisation, and how to get buy-in from executives.

Attendees can expect to receive 4.5 CPE credit hours, the ultimate PIA/DPIA, Data Inventory & Mapping, and Data Subject Rights Handbooks, access to free software tools, how-to guides, and best practices documents on the topics covered.

Workshop Agenda:
• 11:30am Lunch & Registration
• 12:00pm Welcome & Introductions
• 12:30pm PIA & DPIA Workshop
• 2:15pm Data Mapping Workshop
• 3:30pm Data Subject Rights Workshop
• 4:00pm OneTrust Demo
• 4:30pm Networking & Cocktails

FOSI 2017 @ Washington, DC
Nov 16 @ 8:00 am – 7:00 pm
FOSI 2017 @ Washington, DC | Washington | District of Columbia | United States

What do Facebook, Toyota, Amazon, and Mattel have in common? They are all part of the growing Internet of Things ecosystem – from Hello Barbie & Alexa to autonomous cars. And they will be at FOSI 2017 along with Google, Netflix, Comcast, Nickelodeon, and many other leading companies. Plus, we will launch new research, “Connected Families: How Parents Think & Feel about Wearables, Toys and the Internet of Things.”

So register today to hear from government, tech, and NGO leaders in online safety.  Get your hands on the latest technologies, educational programs and apps in this space.

To view our developing agenda, please click here.


SmartPrivacy – Zürich @ Zürich, Switzerland
Nov 16 @ 11:30 am – 5:30 pm
SmartPrivacy – Zürich @ Zürich, Switzerland | Zürich | Zürich | Switzerland

SmartPrivacy is a practitioner-focused, half day local workshop where privacy professionals can learn from each other about tools and best practices to operationalize their privacy programs.

The workshop is hosted by OneTrust, however, is open to any privacy professional regardless of tool or template of choice.

A combination or structured educational sessions, peer-lead discussions, and networking allow organizations to share practical tips on topics such as GDPR compliance, how to perform a data inventory, identifying the key stakeholders/privacy champions within your organization, and how to get buy-in from executives.

Attendees can expect to receive 4.5 CPE credit hours, the ultimate PIA/DPIA, Data Inventory & Mapping, and Data Subject Rights Handbooks, access to free software tools, how-to guides, and best practices documents on the topics covered.

Workshop Agenda:
• 11:30am Lunch & Registration
• 12:00pm Welcome & Introductions
• 12:30pm PIA & DPIA Workshop
• 2:15pm Data Mapping Workshop
• 3:30pm Data Subject Rights Workshop
• 4:00pm OneTrust Demo
• 4:30pm Networking & Cocktails

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