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Does the GDPR Require a Personal Data Inventory? Answer: No @ Online Event
Jun 21 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Does the GDPR Require a Personal Data Inventory? Answer: No @ Online Event
Many privacy officers seem to be under the impression that Article 30 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) on records of processing activities creates a legal obligation for a data inventory or data mapping. This is not the case. The GDPR replaces current legal obligations that require you to notify and register your processing activities with local DPAs. Under the GDPR you are no longer required to make such notifications but rather are required to maintain a record of all your organisation’s processing activities internally and to make it available to supervisory authorities upon request. So, just like you had an external register, you now need an on-demand internal record.

This webinar starts with a look at the Supervisor Authority perspective and the rationale behind the creation of Article 30. Then, the webinar will discuss how to incent the business to maintain a processing-based inventory that when used in the EU will turn GDPR article 30 reporting into an outcome. Plus, learn the power of focusing on purposes of data processing and hear from one company who has implemented this approach in practice to understand how it betters aligns with business operations and practices and is much easier to scale, update and maintain. Hear also about local Article 30 GDPR guidance, including the Article 30 template guide recently released by the French data protection authority (CNIL), further highlighting that the intention behind the GDPR records of processing requirement.

At the end of the webinar, learn how Nymity created an innovative approach to Article 30 compliance as we spend a few minutes to introduce a software solution that makes Article 30 GDPR compliance the responsibility of the business, with support and oversight coming from the Privacy Office/DPO. It is called Nymity SmartPIA™.

Registration Link: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/4745042867954124801

Does the GDPR Require PIAs? Answer: Only Sometimes @ Online Event
Jun 29 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Does the GDPR Require PIAs? Answer: Only Sometimes @ Online Event
Many privacy officers are under the impression that the GDPR requires organisations to conduct PIAs and that doing so will largely meet their GDPR compliance obligations. This is not the case. The GDPR is an accountability-based regulation and requires organisations to demonstrate compliance with all aspects of the GDPR: over 39 Articles require a technical or organisational measure to demonstrate compliance and Article 35 on data protection impact assessments is only one of them. Furthermore, DPIAs are required in only limited circumstances: when the processing is likely to result in a high risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons.

In this webinar, learn about Nymity’s latest compliance innovation: an expert system that, when subject to GDPR, enables organisations to leverage their existing accountability mechanisms, meet their obligations under Article 30 (Records of processing activities) and, when DPIA-Triggered™, under Article 35 GDPR (Data Protection Impact Assessments). Understand how the burdensome traditional step of lengthy or incomplete questionnaires is avoided and how the solution enables organisations to carry out more data processing activities with the same data, within the boundaries of the law. In addition, you will learn how this solution provides the business a defensible position of evidenced compliance. In this webinar we will review:

1. The overlap between accountability and traditional PIA frameworks
2. Repurposing Article 30 GDPR to enable Data Protection Impact Assessments under Article 35 GDPR
3. The power of automating the Accountability PIA Framework
Step 1: Benefits to Individuals
Step 2: Mitigating risk using accountability mechanisms
Step 3: Effectiveness Assessments
4. Accountability PIAs™ under the GDPR

Registration Link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3000191581952780545

A Time-Saving Method to Prioritise your GDPR Compliance @ Online Event
Jul 12 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
A Time-Saving Method to Prioritise your GDPR Compliance @ Online Event
The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is considered a risk-based and accountability regulation. Article 24 (Responsibility of the controller) compels organisations to put in place appropriate technical and organisational measures through policies, procedures and other accountability mechanisms.

Addressing the GDPR accountability obligations early on in your compliance program has significant benefits. Learn to identify existing policies, procedures and other accountability mechanisms that are already providing rules and guidelines for processing personal data in your organisation. Understand how this key step, accomplished early in your GDPR compliance strategy, provides significant benefits by leveraging what is already in place to comply with the GDPR providing the privacy office a running start and early successes. In the webinar, we will also identify how to prioritise creation of new accountability mechanisms to further embed GDPR compliance.

Plus, we will show additional benefits such as these accountability mechanisms being repurposed in an Accountability PIA to demonstrate compliance at a project level and repurposed once again to demonstrate compliance at an organizational level.

Registration Link: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/3452361340829179137

Putting Connected Vehicle Data to Work @ Online
Jul 27 @ 2:00 pm – 2:45 pm
Putting Connected Vehicle Data to Work @ Online | Gandhinagar | Gujarat | India

Learn how automotive manufacturers can take advantage of connected vehicle innovation, data management and analytical opportunities supporting these strategies – webinar from SAS and Bosch.

By 2030, market estimates from McKinsey & Company indicate the automotive revenue pool could grow by $1.5 trillion stemming from shared mobility, connectivity services and feature upgrades to vehicles. Driven by these potential gains, automotive companies are racing to find ways to define and claim their role with new business models.

Yet, what is possible for automotive companies to achieve now given the availability of accessible driver and vehicle information? How can innovation teams take advantage of near-term opportunities that propel both current and future projects enabled by connected vehicle, mobility and on-demand services? How can companies start “doing” work around these emerging opportunities?

During the webinar you will learn about:
•Business development opportunities tied to connected vehicle and mobility strategies that ultimately allow for data monetization.
•Technology that allows OEMs and other organizations to draw out complex vehicle data before using it for analytical initiatives.
•A framework that helps organizations leverage predictive analytics, streaming and real-time information to improve business outcomes as well as customer experiences

Consent and the GDPR @ Online Event
Aug 2 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Consent and the GDPR @ Online Event
Consent is one of the legal grounds for processing personal data under the GDPR. This webinar will address transparency and consent for the use of digital tracking and profiling technologies as well as how to effectively manage and demonstrate compliance with consent requirements for your organisation-wide personal data processing. Two expert organisations that support the Privacy Office/DPO managing consent will speak to:

Digital Technologies Consent Management
Evidon will address transparency and consent requirements under the GDPR and ePrivacy Regulation for your digital properties. Then, Evidon with introduce a powerful solution to unify GDPR and ePrivacy Regulation compliance through an easy to deploy solution.

Demonstrable Compliance of GDPR Consent Requirements
Nymity will speak on how to manage and demonstrate compliance with the GDPR consent requirements through an Accountability Mechanism Catalogue™ mapped to data processing. GDPR requires appropriate polices, procedures and other accountability mechanisms and they must address consent. Nymity will show how to apply the appropriate accountability mechanism to data processing in a manner that provides manageability, oversight and demonstrable compliant processing.

This webinar will also cover:

Digital Technologies Consent Management – Getting Started
Learn how you can conduct a GDPR online consent readiness assessment which includes the identification of profiling or tracking on your digital properties, assessment of privacy risks in your Digital Marketing Supply Chain and comprehensive data governance reporting.

Demonstrable Compliance – Getting Started
Learn how to build your own Accountability Mechanism Catalogue™ by working with each of the business units that are processing personal data to identify the key processing that use consent. Identify polices, procedures and other accountability mechanisms using the free GDPR Accountability Handbook.. Once identified, update the policies and the practices that they govern for GDPR compliance. Where appropriate, add additional accountability mechanism to mitigate the risk, also mandated in GDPR.

Registration Link: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/1853222833298810625

Less than a year until GDPR Compliance – Trends and Analysis from Real-world Activity @ Online Event
Aug 16 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Less than a year until GDPR Compliance - Trends and Analysis from Real-world Activity @ Online Event

Nymity has conducted extensive empirical research with organizations that are taking an accountability approach to GDPR compliance. Learn what organisations have implemented and what is planned for GDPR compliance. Gain a more granular understanding of what policies, procedures and other accountability mechanisms are being implemented to comply with the GDPR. Learn how organisations are repurposing existing policies, procedures, codes of conduct and other accountability mechanisms that have been in place to govern the business, and how they turn them into GDPR accountability mechanisms.

You will learn:

1. Organisational priorities for GDPR compliance
2. How different sizes of organisations and different industries compare in the GDPR compliance efforts
3. How Nymity Templates™ can help you operationalise ongoing compliance with over 900 practical resources that can help generate evidence for reviews and audits

Registration Link: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/4495005127705161729

Data Mapping for GDPR Compliance @ Online Event
Sep 6 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Data Mapping for GDPR Compliance @ Online Event

The concept of data mapping can mean many different things depending on the context. In this webinar, we look at two approaches to data mapping focused on GDPR compliance outcomes. Both are important but each solves a different problem. Join this webinar to hear two different providers of data mapping solutions and understand their approach, what problems they solve, and how they can work together.

Nymity: Data Processing Activities Data Mapping
Nymity uses an expert system that works with the business to identify data processing activities, transfer mechanisms that are in use, legal grounds for processing, categories of data and data subjects and other information required for by GDPR Article 30 (Records of Processing Activities).

Prifender: Automatic Discover and Mapping Personal Data
Prifender data mapping solution uses artificial intelligence technology to discover and map personal information across networks and systems, both structured and unstructured, while associating identities with their respective obligations so organisations can better manage and demonstrate accountability and compliance.

Registration Link: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/5433620820942336001

Privacy 101: The Importance of Protecting Customer Data @ Online
Sep 6 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Privacy 101: The Importance of Protecting Customer Data @ Online

This webinar will provide an overview of data privacy issues for companies in the electronic physical security industry. Webinar attendees will gain a better understanding of: * Risks to data privacy * Current and future regulatory and compliance requirements * Best practices for ensuring the privacy of customer data The presenters will be: * Kathleen Carroll, Vice President, Corporate Affairs, HID Global, and Chair, SIA Data Privacy Advisory Board * Brenda Leong, Senior Counsel and Director of Strategy, Future of Privacy Forum While all are welcome to attend, this webinar is especially recommended for security industry personnel who handle customer data.

Technology for the Social Good featuring Jonathan Zittrain @ Harvard University
Sep 12 @ 12:00 pm
Technology for the Social Good featuring Jonathan Zittrain @ Harvard University | Cambridge | Massachusetts | United States

Tuesday, September 12, 2017 at 12:00 pm
Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University
Harvard Law School campus
Austin Hall, Austin West, Classroom 111 (HLS campus map)
RSVP required to attend in person
Event will be live webcast at 12:00 pm

Join us for our first Tuesday Luncheon Series of the academic year to learn more about the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University — and its network of researchers, activists, faculty, students, technologists, entrepreneurs, artists, policy makers, lawyers, and more — in an interactive conversation lead by Berkman Klein Center Faculty Chair Jonathan Zittrain. If you’re curious about connecting with our research, our community, or our events, or are just generally interested in digital technologies and their impact on society and the social good, please join us!

About Berkman Klein

We  bring together the sharpest, most thoughtful people from around the globe to tackle the biggest challenges presented by the Internet. As an interdisciplinary, University-wide center with a global scope, we have an unparalleled track record of leveraging exceptional academic rigor to produce real- world impact. We pride ourselves on pushing the edges of scholarly research, building tools and platforms that break new ground, and fostering active networks across diverse communities. United by our commitment to the public interest, our vibrant, collaborative community of independent thinkers represents a wide range of philosophies and disciplines, making us a unique home for open-minded inquiry, debate, and experimentation.

About Jonathan Zittrain

Jonathan Zittrain is the George Bemis Professor of International Law at Harvard Law School and the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, Professor of Computer Science at the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vice Dean for Library and Information Resources at the Harvard Law School Library, and co-founder of the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society.  His research interests include battles for control of digital property and content, cryptography, electronic privacy, the roles of intermediaries within Internet architecture, human computing, and the useful and unobtrusive deployment of technology in education.

He performed the first large-scale tests of Internet filtering in China and Saudi Arabia, and as part of the OpenNet Initiative co-edited a series of studies of Internet filtering by national governments: Access Denied: The Practice and Policy of Global Internet FilteringAccess Controlled: The Shaping of Power, Rights, and Rule in Cyberspace; and Access Contested: Security, Identity, and Resistance in Asian Cyberspace.

He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Electronic Frontier Foundation and the Board of Advisors for Scientific American.  He has served as a Trustee of the Internet Society and as a Forum Fellow of the World Economic Forum, which named him a Young Global Leader. He was a Distinguished Scholar-in-Residence at the Federal Communications Commission, and previously chaired the FCC’s Open Internet Advisory Committee. His book The Future of the Internet — And How to Stop Itpredicted the end of general purpose client computing and the corresponding rise of new gatekeepers.  That and other works may be found at <http://www.jz.org>.

Demonstrating Compliance to Regulators @ Online Event
Sep 14 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Demonstrating Compliance to Regulators @ Online Event

What does it mean to demonstrate compliance under the GDPR? What kind of documentation is expected from an organisation to show that they meet their legal requirements? Nymity is midway through a 3-year project on demonstrating compliance to regulators to help provide more clarity on this issue, as published in a recent paper Demonstrating Compliance to Regulators. In a series of workshops with companies and data protection authorities and several conference sessions, we discuss a structured approach to ensure your documentation is in order, should you be subject to an audit, investigation or inspection. In addition, we provide you with an up-to-date overview of the developments regarding certification of data protection compliance. Can this new option provided by the GDPR become a success, and if so, under what conditions?

During this webinar, you will hear about our learnings to date, as well as about the questions that are still up for discussion.

Registration Link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3850584661200700417

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