2017 Internet Data Privacy Colloquium

January 25, 2017 @ 11:00 am – 4:00 pm
Stewart R. Mott Foundation
Maryland Ave NE & Constitution Ave NE
Washington, DC 20002
Dialogue on Diversity presents its ninth annual Colloquium, part of the international celebration of Internet Data Privacy Day, exploring the past, present, and future of the internet – and the fortunes of classic privacy values in the face of the advances in information technology and other hi- and lo-tech innovations.  Some questions —
  • What is Privacy?   — a Power to Exclude Observation,   a Sphere of Reasonably Expected Security,  a Package of “Property” Interests in the Subject’s “Effects”,  a Juridically Defined List of Restraints on Observation?  Or a typically American Mélange of all these?
  • Can Privacy Protections be Made Part of System Design in IT Installations, Here and Abroad – Commercial and Governmental ?  Cyber-security:  the Name of the Game.
  • A Right of Oblivion – May Subjects Demand Erasure of their Traces ? –  the Evolving European and U.S. Legal Realms.
  • Governmental Surveillance and Data Collection Hacking and Encryption.
  • The Convoluted Economics of the Internet  —  Is there a Tacit Bargain:  A Customized Internet Experience for Me – Paid for with My Secrets ?  Your Profile packaged by Data Brokers for their Commercial Clients.
  • Privacy Values and Legal Protections – Special Questions of Student Privacy;  Unmanned Aircraft Surveillance;   the Advancing Reach of IT Applications in the Health Care Industries;   High Drama on the Highway:  The License Plate Readers
  • Medical records – Can Engineering Produce Solutions to the Privacy Conundrums?
  • The Evolving Social Media – Informal Communicative Sharing to the Focus and Stress of a Commercial Interface.   Kids Loose in the Internet Jungle – Who Will Care for Them?

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