Data Privacy Asia 2016

November 9, 2016 – November 11, 2016 all-day
One Farrer Hotel & Spa
1 Farrer Park Station Rd
Singapore 217562

Building Digital Trust

Back for a second year, Data Privacy 2016 promises to be bigger and better.

Last year, 40 leaders and thinkers from more than 15 countries gathered in Singapore to discuss Data Privacy: Your Business Imperative.

In 2016, we focus our dialogue on Building Digital Trust and explore what is needed in Establishing an Ecosystem of Trust and Protection in the Digital Age.

Come join us and be part of Asia’s data protection, privacy and cyber security community!

We have updated the conference programme with 10 new speakers from 10 countries around the world. See who’s coming.
Join Michelle Dennedy, VP and CPO of Cisco Systems, and Dr. Ann Cavoukian, Executive Director at the Privacy and Big Data Institute of Ryerson University (Video Presentation) to discuss the future of data privacy in the digital economy.

Program Highlights
Day 1: Main Conference
Establishing an Ecosystem of Trust and Protection in the Digital Age

Building an ecosystem of trust is vital for any company’s digital transformation journey. Learn how companies are harnessing the power of data without compromising their customer’s privacy.

Day 2: Track 1
Privacy Regulations and Compliance in the Digital Age

Focus on key regulatory developments and what organizations can do from a compliance perspective as the digital landscape continues to evolve.

Day 2: Track 2
Privacy Challenges for IT and Security Professionals

Accelerated digital initiatives bring about new challenges to the digital supply network. Manage your organization’s data life cycle and pay down your cyber security debt today.

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