October Privacy Lab on Cyber Security

October 20, 2016 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
199 Fremont St
San Francisco, CA 94105

This month, P260px-Privacy-lab-logorivacy Lab will have a cyber security theme for National Cyber Security Awareness Month. Specifically, we’ll be looking at how privacy and security go hand in hand, and how they can work better together to protect consumer and user data.

Allison Miller will speak about using detection technology to protect consumers. Allison has an extensive background in protecting consumers and platforms from online threats. She’ll discuss how it works to reveal security flaws and why it’s crucial for protecting consumer privacy.

We will likely structure the networking time into some small group discussions around the topic of how privacy and security can work together.

Livestream and Recording on Air Mozilla (https://air.mozilla.org/privacy-lab-cyber-security-2016-10-20/) and Passcode.

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