Privacy vs. Security: Can There a Balance Between Law Enforcement Needs and Commercial Encryption

December 2, 2014 @ 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm
The Capitol Hill Club (Washington, DC)
300 First Street Southeast
Washington, DC 20003

With companies such as Apple closing ‘back doors’ on their products rendering customer data more secure, law enforcement agencies such as the FBI have voiced concerns that their ability to combat terrorism and serious organized crime are now compromised. These developments have yet again raised the critical, but as yet unresolved, issue of where – if at all – should a citizen’s right to privacy begin and end, and how can law enforcement ensure public safety and law and order.


What impact should the latest encryption technologies have on cell-phone, Internet and commercial data storage? Should such technologies, for example, protect citizen’s data from law enforcement and Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) search warrants?

This event will be held at The Capitol Hill Club, 300 First Street, SE, Washington D.C. Lunch will be served.  For reservations, call 571-970-3180 or email [email protected]

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