Real Consent & A Look @ Trust

May 27, 2016 all-day
Digital Catapult Centre
101 Euston Rd
Kings Cross, London NW1 2RA

Consent is here: GDPR officialy published on May the 4th.

Organisations are already resposible for authentication and policies for use of personal data. New regulation for the withdraw of consent in the EU will require Orgs to make consent dynamic, with a clear  enforcement mandate.

Whats more, people don’t often read privacy and terms policies,  often enter false information on forms,  and purposely subvert the use of personal data in order to protect their privacy and have some measure of control. (often for good reason)

This is an semi-formal event fora look at the Trust market.  Inviting all of those building the next generation of trust to get involved.

Sponsored by the Personal Data & Trust Network  and the Kantara Initiative.

9:00 – Intro PDTN Michele Nati
9:10 – Mark –  Real Consent Introduction – Mark Lizar
9:30 Trust & Consent  – Richard Gomer
10: 00 “Consumerist” Approach to data protection”- Dr Nicolo ZIngales
10:20  Dynamic Consent & Trust –  Dr. Edgar Whitley
10:40 Trust Frameworks – Robin Wilton –  ISOC: Identity & Trust

11:00 – 11:20 Break
(panel of the above)

12:00 – 12:30   Lunch
12:30  –  EU Trust Ecosystem
– Antti (Jogi)  Poikola – MYData Finland
1: 00 Dr. Matt Stroud – Fourth FoundryUK
1:20  (TBC)
2:30 (Panel) – The Future landscape of EC Regulation and Trust Network Innovation
3:15 Break Pimm’s (the drink) & canapes
3:30 Personal Data & Trust  – Showcase UK

– Tom Kirkham – EXA informatics
– Consentua – Trust APi – Chris Cooper (KnowNow)
– Geoff Revill – Trust Model  (KrowdThink)
– Consumer Consent & Trust  –  Paul Cook – Autograph

As it will be a May long weekend – We aim to start the discussion a  little early with Pimm’s and canapes, with a discussion around summer pilots and collaboration in the PDTN.

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