Symposium: Cybersurveillance in the Post-Snowden Age

January 23, 2015 – January 24, 2015 all-day
Washington & Lee Law School
West Denny Circle
Lexington, VA 24450

The depth and breadth of the classified documents leaked by former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor Edward Snowden to The Guardian and The Washington Post, is historically unprecedented. This symposium will explore the constitutional and other policy and legal implications of both NSA mass surveillance as well as other forms of big data cybersurveillance. Specifically, the speakers will address the architecture of cybersurveillance tools at the disposal of the NSA and other agencies in the midst of a big data revolution. The participants will examine various policy and legislative proposals that have been recommended in the aftermath of these leaks. Particular attention will be paid to the constitutional interests at stake, as well as the balancing of secrecy and national security objectives with transparency interests and privacy protections. Finally, this symposium will consider the potential impact of government and corporate responses to the Snowden disclosures: current litigation, legislative reform efforts, executive action and compliance approaches, corporate and technological adaptations, and other responses.

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