The 7th Annual European Data Protection & Privacy Conference – Brussels

December 1, 2016 @ 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
The Hotel
Boulevard de Waterloo 38
1000 Bruxelles
140 to 170 euros
Anne-Lise Simon
+44 (0) 2920 783 020

The adoption of the GDPR which will apply with direct effect in all EU Member States from May 2018, along with the agreement reached on the EU-US Privacy Shield and the review process of the e-privacy directive, are regarded as crucial steps towards a thriving digital economy and a successful European Digital Single Market.

This year’s conference will discuss the implementation of the new rules and ask how organisations need to rethink their privacy and data protection policies. It will also explore how data-driven innovation can be supported while preserving consumers’ and citizens’ privacy, as well as discussing the extent to which achieving a level-playing field for all market players is possible. Finally, it will examine the new EU Data Protection rules within a global context.

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