Unlocking the Black Box: The Promise and Limits of Algorithmic Accountability in the Professions – See more at: http://isp.yale.edu/event/unlocking-black-box-promise-and-limits-algorithmic-accountability-professions#sthash.Ptqyi1ab.dpuf

April 2, 2016 @ 8:15 am – 9:15 am
Yale Law School
Sterling Law Bldg
127 Wall St, New Haven, CT 06511

The increasing power of big data and algorithmic decision-making—in commercial, government, and even non-profit contexts—has raised concerns among academics, activists, journalists and legal experts. Three characteristics of algorithmic ordering have made the problem particularly difficult to address: the data used may be inaccurate or inappropriate, algorithmic modeling may be biased or limited, and the uses of algorithms are still opaque in many critical sectors – See more at: http://isp.yale.edu/event/unlocking-black-box-promise-and-limits-algorithmic-accountability-professions#sthash.Ptqyi1ab.dpuf

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